Healthy Lifestyle Tips

healthy lifestyle tips

By Mitravinda

Keeping your healthy food lifestyle and your dignity, in challenging social situations

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and become the best version of yourself? You’re eating healthy, working out, following your diet chart for weight loss and on the right track to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, it’s quite unlikely that everyone around us suddenly opts for the same.

Therefore, it becomes difficult for you to manage your social life with your healthy lifestyle. You either end up pushing away your friends & family or you tend to give in to your cravings and “fun” and go back to the old ways of unhealthy eating.

But, these are not the only two options that you have! Keep reading to find out ways to get the best of both worlds.

1. Order your drinks mindfully

healthy lifestyle tips

As you avoid sugar (especially while losing weight) and any of its derivatives generally, follow that rule when you go out as well. Do not order cocktails or drinks that have tons of soda and sweeteners like juices, etc. Just pick out what you like on the menu that wouldn’t harm your daily lifestyle.

Drinking wine, or whiskey/vodka, etc. with water and a dash of lemon will make sure you have a good time, without affecting your regime too much. While you can easily balance off the extra 500-600 calories that you consumed in the form of alcohol by working out, the calories that come with sweeteners will be difficult to get rid of.

2. Order the healthiest options available

When you are eating outside or are at a social gathering, pick out the healthiest choice of food available. Fish and veggies make the most common and healthiest options. You can order a whole hearty plate of green salad that makes one of the best healthy foods too. However, if you cannot spot anything healthy, you can fill up on the sides and some water. This can be a great life hack when you’re in a situation where it’ll appear rude for you to not eat anything.

3. Try to pick the restaurant (bar/club) yourself

If you have plans to go out with friends/family, browse all the possible restaurants and/or bars and take a look at their food menu beforehand (Thanks to the internet). In this way, you can control your meals when you go out and eat the best healthy foods. However, it’s important not to obsess over it.

Focus on having fun and relaxing around the people you love instead of worrying about the extra calories that you’ve ingested. As long as you do not make this a habit, it is okay to give yourself a break sometimes. You can always make amends tomorrow but at that moment, have fun!

4. Stay grounded

Your journey to adapt and maintain a healthy lifestyle is definitely remarkable. The results that you enjoy-a fit body, better immunity, good looks, etc.-are totally deserved by you! However, this does not give you the right to look down on anyone. You shouldn’t obsessively talk about your way of doing things and force others to adapt to your ways. Everyone has their own priorities and choices.

While it is good to inspire others to lead a healthy lifestyle, bragging about your achievements in this regard and throwing healthy lifestyle tips at everyone all the time will only push all your friends away. You must remain grounded! When someone compliments you on all the weight you’ve lost or how fit you look or how your skin is glowing, that’s going to be all the encouragement and happiness you need.

5. Have a bunch of “fitness” friends

Regardless of how supportive your friends and family are of your healthy lifestyle, there are things that only a fellow “fit person” will understand. From discussing different recipes of best healthy foods one can try or new workout routines that tend to be more effective, you need someone from this world to finally let yourself off the leash.

Therefore, interact and spend time with your gym-mates or anyone you know who is also following the same lifestyle as you are. While you vent in front of them about all the fitness- related things and exchange healthy lifestyle tips, you get to stay your normal self in front of your old friends and family. In this way, both parts of your life will be in perfect harmony with each other.


If you set your mind to it, nothing is impossible. Maintaining your healthy lifestyle and your social life depends largely on your will-power and your efficiency in balancing out your calories along with a few general social attributes.

You need to be determined to continue living the lifestyle you chose regardless of how many times you may have slipped in social gatherings.  The important thing is not to beat yourself up and stand up again and give it your all.

It is equally important that you accept that not everyone around you has to live like you do. When you begin to respect their choices, they will begin respecting yours!


Authors Bio – Mitravinda is a Nutritionist at DietChart with a doctoral degree in Food Science and Nutrition. Her passion for the subject prompted her to start writing blogs on various nutrition-related topics such as high protein vegetarian foods, diet chart for weight loss, and diet chart for weight loss in 7 days, etc. Through her blogs, she wishes to help people gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between food, nutrition, lifestyle and health.

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