AI is revolutionizing the workplace as we know it. These tools are allowing the ability to automate repetitive tasks, such as capturing meeting notes and drafting emails. It can even help with much more complicated tasks, such as creating lines of code or crafting images. However, becoming familiar with promptContinue Reading

Prior authorization requires providers to obtain approval from insurance payers for specific services. While it aims to control costs, this process often delays patient care with surveys showing that one in three providers experiences delays. This may lead to postponed appointments and treatments. This inefficiency raises questions about how technologyContinue Reading

Human resource (HR) technology has been sweeping the business world with its incredible ability to improve existing employee-related processes. Approximately one-third of HR professionals are using HR tech to improve hiring, onboarding, retention, and training within their companies. These procedures are essential to the functioning of a business, as itContinue Reading

Value-based care is transforming the healthcare industry, particularly within Medicare. This model focuses on achieving high-quality patient outcomes rather than just increasing the number of services provided. Rather than simply addressing illnesses as they occur, value-based care aims to enhance overall health, which is especially vital for seniors who manageContinue Reading

Many of the world’s leading companies have undergone changes in recent years. Unfortunately, this has left around 60% of them without a COO. In their stead, the companies’ second-in-command (2IC) employees are forced to fulfill that role without the COO title. But, without a proper COO filling the role, companiesContinue Reading