Kindergarten Readiness
If your child is coming into school aged years it can be stressful to know if your child is ready Especially if you have a child that has a birthday in the summer months Do you push them forward to be one of the younger kids in the class, or do …Read moreContinue Reading
Hitting A Weight Loss Plateau: Tips For What To Do When You Stop Losing Weight
So here you are being careful with what you eat and increasing your exercise in order to get healthier and lose weight and all of a sudden you just stop losing! Very frustrating Weight loss plateaus happen to almost everyone when dieting A …Read moreContinue Reading
Potty Training: Scared Of The Potty
When you suggest sitting on the potty to your toddler does it result in them screaming and running away? Do they act afraid when you mention the potty? Being afraid of the potty and bathroom is not an uncommon thing to come across when trying to potty train. All childrenContinue Reading
Colleges are Failing, and Yours Could be Next
Colleges are struggling to keep their doors open. The financial status of many higher education institutions is poor at best and completely devastated in too many cases. As enrollment is dwindling and college age Americans are turning to other avenues to pursue the American dream, colleges are struggling to stayContinue Reading
Rewarding Children with Food – This Is A Bad Habit
Offering your child a food reward for good behavior or achievements can end up complicating your child’s relationship with food The mindset becomes that food treats (sweet and high in calories) are valued over other kinds of rewards Another trap …Read moreContinue Reading
Improving Gun Safety in the United States
Americans have a constitutional right to bear arms, but owning a gun comes with a lot of responsibility Even gun owners with no intent to do harm can still find themselves in a difficult situation Every year, 500 people die from accidental firearm …Read moreContinue Reading
Abdominal Migraine
An abdominal migraine is a form of migraine that affects a person’s stomach instead of the normal head pain. Abdominal migraines are mostly seen in children under the age of 10. Children who get abdominal migraines tend to have this condition later in life evolve into normal migraines. Continue Reading
Chewing Gum Health Benefits
Have you ever watched a professional baseball game? Many of the players have a big wad of chewing gum while they play? Is this safe? Is it healthy? As a matter of fact it is! Chewing gum has many health benefits.Continue Reading
Why Sanctions Against Russia May Affect the US Economy
When Russia began their invasion into Ukraine, the United States and its allies felt the need to retaliate. To avoid further military conflict, they decided to enforce sanctions in a type of financial war. Sanctions are a non-violent option used to penalize or restrict specific actions by a country. InContinue Reading
Thumb & Finger Sucking Toddler
Children sucking their thumb or fingers is very common. Babies have a natural rooting and sucking reflex. This can cause thumb and finger sucking to occur even in the womb. This habit can start before a child is even born. Many children suck their fingers babies generally stop this habitContinue Reading