Oral Health Care During Pandemics: Is Oral Health Still a Priority?
Oral health care during pandemics should always be considered a vital part of your total health being. When the Covid-19 struck, dentists recommended postponing any elective procedures and provided only emergency dental treatment to prevent the spread of infection and stop the patient from filling up the hospital’s emergency departmentsContinue Reading
Benefits Of Vitamin C Serum
Learn About The Various Benefits Of Vitamin C Serum Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin found in many vegetables and particularly in citrus fruits. Nowadays, facial serums having vitamin C as their constituent rule the skincare regime. Vitamin C facial serum has anti-aging properties in it. It helps you toContinue Reading
Explaining the Basics of Keto and How It Works
A keto diet implies an almost complete rejection of carbohydrates in nutrition. This, in turn, makes the body use, not glucose (digestion of carbohydrates), but ketone bodies (a product of fat metabolism) as a source of energy. Read our comprehensive review on starting a keto diet.Keto diet is an easy way toContinue Reading
Zantac and the Potential Danger Of Cancer Symptoms
Many people around the world suffer from heartburn, while drug manufacturers are making a profit on their discomfort. Zantac or its genetic equivalent ranitidine is one of the many medications used for treating heartburn. For decades this drug is being used and is considered safe to sell the drugContinue Reading
Watermelon Smoothie: Cleanses from the Inside
Watermelon is a fruit that is very popular because of its sweet taste and because it is very refreshing, due to the high amount of water it contains. It is about 90% water and contains several other properties that are very good for your body.Continue Reading
Top 8 Herbal Medicines And Their Benefits
Herbal medicines are as old as man himself. The majority of ancestors belong to the animistic cultures, where it is believed that every element on this planet has a spirit that can be a positive influence upon use.Continue Reading
The Life Saving Potential Of Stem Cell Therapy
As medical science advances, scientists and researchers are coming up with innovative therapies that have the potential to save lives. One of these is stem cell therapy, which holds tremendous promise when it comes to treating a host of diseases, conditions, and injuries. And this is just the beginning asContinue Reading
Reasons to Invest in a Bacterial Comparative Analysis Software
DNA sequencing can be defined as the process of nucleotide molecule arrangement of the DNA. The study of gene expression offers an insight into the characteristics of diseases. This helps determine the effect it can create along with measuring the activities associated with the same. The genetic field today witnessesContinue Reading