If you exercise at home or a gym, then you must have the basics down by now. You know how the workout routine works. But have you ever broken down the entire process and looked at the parts individually?  If you haven’t, it is a good time to get toContinue Reading

by Vivek Roy In this competitive world, everyone is so busy with their work that they don’t have time to look after themselves. In the quest of achieving more and more success, they are ignoring their health and body. They always remain under pressure and stress which makes their bodyContinue Reading

how yiga asanas helps control bad habits

by Bipin Baloni The Yoga-Brain-Addiction correlation and corresponding researches have been taking the rounds for quite some time now. These studies are rolling in steadily as the world progresses and experiments being done to help people break-free. Scientists are conducting a comparative study between the effects of modern as wellContinue Reading