Water is the most important resource on the planet.  Humans use it for cooking, cleaning, drinking, and more.  Considering its importance to human life, it’s unfortunate how little of the Earth’s water is available for consumption.  For every 26 gallons of water on the planet, half a teaspoon of itContinue Reading

The world’s highest owners know the power of sleep and consistently get enough of it. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon with a net worth of $195 billion, says, “Eight hours of sleep makes a big difference for me, and I try hard to make that a priority. For me,Continue Reading

by Katie SmithTips on How to Soothe a Sore Throat There are many ways that you can get rid a sore throat. However, not every cure can meet the needs of your sore throat. Here are a few tips on sore throat treatment that work for most every kind of sore throat andContinue Reading