Generational Disparities in Grocery Shopping Habits

Preferences and behaviors can greatly vary from person to person, influencing everything from pastimes to dietary choices. Across the United States, individuals exhibit a rich tapestry of perspectives on life, including their approaches to grocery shopping, which can be significantly influenced by age groups. Below, we’ll delve into insights regarding how different generations of Americans navigate the realm of food procurement.

To begin with, there’s the matter of shopping methodology. The advent of in-store pickup, curbside assistance, and delivery services has revolutionized the landscape, leading to a surge in online grocery shopping. Gen Z, having grown up immersed in technology, naturally spearheads this trend, displaying a propensity for utilizing store apps and delivery platforms for their grocery needs. Approximately 50% of Gen Zers opt for this digital route on a regular basis, citing accessibility as a primary motivator.

Millennials, or Gen Y, closely follow suit, demonstrating a remarkable 72% usage rate of grocery store apps within the past year. Both cohorts are emblematic of omnichannel shoppers, leveraging a variety of methods to swiftly procure desired items, a behavior pattern fostered by years of accustomedness to instant gratification and expedited delivery services.

Contrarily, Gen X shoppers exhibit a lesser inclination towards online channels, showing a mere 9% regular purchase rate via mobile devices, as they prefer the tactile experience of in-person shopping. This stands in stark contrast to Baby Boomers, who lag behind in mobile technology adoption. Nevertheless, digital coupon usage is on the uptick among this older demographic.

Further disparities manifest in the frequency of online versus in-person shopping trips across age groups. A 2023 report on online grocery shopping reveals a surge in frequency among Gen Z and Millennials, with 58% and 60% respectively reporting increased online shopping habits, including 44% ordering online weekly, with spending typically ranging between $51 and $100 per order. Conversely, these rates are notably lower for Gen X and Baby Boomers.

Despite the rise of online alternatives, in-store visits remain prevalent across all generations, with a significant portion of consumers frequenting multiple establishments each month. Additionally, half of shoppers visit at least two stores per trip, underscoring the enduring appeal of physical shopping experiences. Nonetheless, the trajectory suggests a potential shift towards online ordering as the new norm.

For a deeper dive into the distinctive grocery shopping trends of each generation, refer to the accompanying source.

Infographic provided by Walker’s Fresh Foods, contract packing company


