While government lockdowns have brought more undue hardship on small businesses than benefits, the one thing that businesses have excelled at during these lockdowns has been the way they train their employees. Conducting business virtually through platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams has allowed employees to receive direct access to how they should grow in their profession. 

For those that still work remotely, employees can work more efficiently when receiving virtual training since they are no longer obligated to sacrifice work time for traveling, booking hotels, and making long devoted training sessions with the trainee at training locations. Employees can now use the time they would be using for traveling and receive virtual training on their devices at home. This makes them a more contributing asset to the company as they can achieve more while excelling in their skill set in the profession they are in. This is not just limited to remote employees, many companies that operate under a hybrid or fully in-person model have done and can easily apply virtual training while still receiving the same benefits virtual employees get.  

This kind of microlearning makes companies more competitive in the marketplace as they pay less for traditional training while their employees can achieve more work now that they do not need to waste a day of traveling. The company’s retention rate will also remain higher since 40% of employees will not leave if they receive training. Companies will be able to better market themselves at job fairs when candidates are looking for job stability and growth. 

Ultimately, employees’ skills are better at what they are pursuing which makes a greater return on investment for corporations that invest in training. Since the lockdowns have begun, employees and businesses are realizing the benefits on both sides. This is encouraging businesses to adapt and scale virtual training in a world where more businesses are going fully virtual.