Feeling a bit green around the gills? Here is how to cure morning sickness fast…
Morning sickness symptoms are nausea and vomiting of pregnancy which can strike at any time; some women however experience the symptoms more severe in the morning. While the symptoms may abate during the course of the day for some, most pregnant women find they last throughout the day. Morning sickness at night is also commonly experienced by many pregnant women; this clearly tells us morning sickness is a misnomer for the condition. Unless you’ve been pregnant, or are one of the only 25% of pregnant women lucky enough to escape morning sickness altogether; you have no idea how miserable it makes the remaining 75% feel!

So, when does morning sickness start? Symptoms can start as early as 4 weeks after conception; most pregnant women however start to experience feelings of nausea (and vomiting for about 50% of them) at six weeks. Does morning sickness come and go? How long does the morning sickness last? Chances are the symptoms will intensify over the coming weeks. For about 50% of pregnant women the morning sickness duration will be about 14 weeks (or first trimester); for most of the other 50% there should be a letting up in the symptoms, although it may flare up again at times during the pregnancy. A small remnant may be unfortunate enough to experience the symptoms continually up to the time of giving birth.

Whilst nausea and vomiting are not harmful to the baby, it can wear the expecting mother out. When vomiting occurs several times a day, dehydration may result if the mother does not take care to stay hydrated. When both dehydration and the inability to keep food down (vomiting leads to the loss of nutrients) lead to hospitalization, it is known as hyperemesis gravidarum. This condition is treated when fluids and morning sickness medicine in the form of vitamins and minerals is administered intravenously. Symptoms of dehydration include being thirsty, feeling faint or dizzy and urine is darker in color with only small volumes being passed.
Surprisingly, morning sickness causes seem to be more a situation of experts agreeing on the possible reasons, rather than research supported by cold hard facts. Some of the theories most experts agree on include:
- an increase in the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone
- levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) which is produced by the developing embryo to stop any disintegration of the ovary’s corpus luteum which is necessary to maintain the production of progesterone at the levels needed for pregnancy

- a heightened sense of smell may make the pregnant woman more sensitive to odors – I personally could not handle the smell of fried eggs while expecting my first baby; more than once almost didn’t make it to the bathroom in time…

- hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) thought to be caused by the placenta draining the mother’s body from energy

How to cure morning sickness?
There really isn’t a morning sickness cure. You cannot prevent nausea during pregnancy. You can however try these morning sickness relief tips; they can stop it from becoming a real issue. This basically boils down to a change in lifestyle while pregnant…
- get enough rest (at least 8 hours sleep every night)

- eat a cracker before getting out of bed; then get up slowly

- avoid spicy, fried, greasy and fatty foods.

- eat smaller portions of food more often during the day – nausea may be triggered by hunger pangs; food in the stomach at all times give the stomach acids food to process. Eat pasta, potatoes, bread – these complex carbohydrates are soothing and easier to digest.

- A protein-rich snack before bed should help with morning sickness at night; also sip on apple juice to keep blood sugar stable

- exercise like walking will alleviate symptoms – do not start with strenuous exercise before consulting your doctor

- by now you know which smells and aromas trigger nausea – avoid these if possible, keep rooms well ventilated so odors can’t build up in the room

- stay hydrated. Avoid caffeine (it’s a diuretic); rather drink as much water as you can since dehydration causes nausea. Failing that, suck on ice cubes made from Gatorade, fruit juice or water; some women find drinking lemonade, flat ginger-ale or sprite works well too.
Another morning sickness treatment option you may want to try is a morning sickness bracelet, also known as acupressure wristbands or PSI bands. The bands are worn around the wrist, designed with a tiny button on the inside which applies pressure to the wrist. The acupressure on the wrist’s pressure point greatly reduces and in some instances totally gets rid of morning sickness.

When looking for a morning sickness pill, Emetrol is available over the counter and safe for use during pregnancy. When nausea is triggered by acid reflux, Pepcid or Zantac may work. The daily intake of vitamin B6 for pregnant women is 1.9 mg. Vitamin B6 is available in tablet form, but the dosage need to be discussed with your doctor as too much is unsafe for you and your baby. You can get your daily quota naturally without any supplements. Eating foods which contain Vitamin B6 such as lean meats, fish, nuts, green beans, carrots, bananas, etc can greatly help to bring morning sickness relief.

Consider some of these other morning sickness home remedies:
- Herbal teas made from ginger root (boil 30 grams in one cup of water for 15-20 minutes. Strain and drink), lemon balm and peppermint (1-2 teaspoons dried herb/cup of hot water – avoid peppermint if you suffer from acid reflux though) or red raspberry-leaf (1-2 teaspoons of dried herb/cup of hot water – check with doctor first as this herb can cause contractions of the uterus).

- Chew fennel seeds. One teaspoon after meals helps with digesting food. Fennel tea is prepared by adding 1 teaspoon of crushed seeds to 1 cup boiling water. Steep for few minutes, strain, add 1 teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Enjoy!

- Add a few drops of lemon to a glass of water and drink. Sniffing a sliced lemon may reduce nausea caused by other odors.

- Suck lemon drops or mints

The morning sickness tips discussed in this article are those most pregnant women found to bring relief from morning sickness during pregnancy. When you cannot keep food or liquids down, you must consult with your doctor without any delay – healthcare specialists have the necessary knowledge to treat your morning sickness symptoms with the most appropriate morning sickness medicine!

Hey moms, let us know how to cure morning sickness fast and effectively? Tell us about your favorite morning sickness remedy! Just add your comment below…