Abdominal Migraine
An abdominal migraine is a form of migraine that affects a person’s stomach instead of the normal head pain. Abdominal migraines are mostly seen in children under the age of 10. Children who get abdominal migraines tend to have this condition later in life evolve into normal migraines. Continue Reading
Chewing Gum Health Benefits
Have you ever watched a professional baseball game? Many of the players have a big wad of chewing gum while they play? Is this safe? Is it healthy? As a matter of fact it is! Chewing gum has many health benefits.Continue Reading
Why Sanctions Against Russia May Affect the US Economy
When Russia began their invasion into Ukraine, the United States and its allies felt the need to retaliate. To avoid further military conflict, they decided to enforce sanctions in a type of financial war. Sanctions are a non-violent option used to penalize or restrict specific actions by a country. InContinue Reading
Thumb & Finger Sucking Toddler
Children sucking their thumb or fingers is very common. Babies have a natural rooting and sucking reflex. This can cause thumb and finger sucking to occur even in the womb. This habit can start before a child is even born. Many children suck their fingers babies generally stop this habitContinue Reading
How to Reach Gen Z in Marketing
By 2031, Generation Z’s income will surpass that of Millennials’. As a generation, they will grow to over $2 trillion in global earnings. Brands of all types will increasingly want to market to them (if they don’t already), but they may be surprised to learn that Gen Z consumers don’tContinue Reading
Hearing Health
Many of us don’t think about hearing health until we already have a hearing problem. Unfortunately, more than half of the people over 65 in the United States have some degree of hearing loss. But this isn’t just an age related problem. 1 in every 5 teens has some hearingContinue Reading
Hand Washing Health Benefits
Handwashing is the most effective way to prevent sickness and stop the spread of illness Proper handwashing can help eliminate the spread of: the Common Cold, the Flu, Stomach Upset, Diarrhea, Hepatitis A, SARS and pneumonia Good handwashing …Read moreContinue Reading
What You Can Do to Stop Domestic Violence in Your Community
Did you know that 19% of people know a friend or family member that has been the victim of domestic violence? Domestic violence affects over 200 million women and girls each year, meaning that there could be many victims of domestic abuse in your own community. That is why itContinue Reading
An Organized Kitchen Helps with Weight Loss
Cooking at home can help you in your weight loss journey. Restaurant meals are a treat. They eliminate cooking, clean up, food shopping and preparation. However, many restaurant meals are not prepared in healthy ways, they can contain preservatives that aren’t good for you and the portion sizes are generallyContinue Reading
The New Way to Pay for Dental and Vet Care
Nearly 75% of people in their 40s and 50s are worried about healthcare costs. This is a higher proportion than any other age group. About 2 in 3 pet parents fear they won’t be able to afford future vet costs for their furry friends. Given these fears, more Americans thanContinue Reading