Genital Psoriasis Treatment: Difficult but Possible With 3 Effective Options
Even though there are many genital psoriasis treatment options available, treating genital psoriasis may be difficult due to the sensitivity of the skin affected by this autoimmune disease. Is Genital Psoriasis Contagious? Genital psoriasis is not an STD and it is not contagious. The most common type ofContinue Reading
Can Nail Psoriasis Be Cured? 4 Best Nail Psoriasis Treatment Options
No. There is no cure for nail psoriasis. Depending on the severity of the disease, nail psoriasis treatment can prove to be a laborious effort that may take very long before it yields desired results. Nail Psoriasis: What Causes It? When psoriasis affects hands or toenails, doctors speak of nailContinue Reading
Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment: 2021 BEST 4 Treatment Options
Psoriatic arthritis treatment is mainly aimed at 1) reducing joint pain and stiffness complaints and 2) inhibiting the disease activity and the associated joint damage. What is Psoriatic Arthritis? Psoriatic arthritis is a form of inflammatory rheumatism in which you also have the skin disease psoriasis. Most of theContinue Reading
MOST Serious Type of Psoriasis: Only 2 Erythroderma Treatment Options
Erythroderma treatment is vital when a person suffers from erythrodermic psoriasis, a rare but very serious type of psoriasis. Why is erythrodermic psoriasis a serious condition?In this skin disease, the patient has widespread, fiery, burning skin that is itchy and painful. Some risk factors increase the chance of this chronic skin condition.TheContinue Reading
The Best 3 Pustular Psoriasis Treatment Options in 2021!
Choosing the best pustular psoriasis treatment option is largely determined by the type of pustular psoriasis a person suffers from. What is pustular psoriasis? Pustular psoriasis is a rare subspecies of psoriasis that manifests itself as superficial, flat pustules on various parts of the skin. The pus in the lesionsContinue Reading
Inverse Psoriasis Treatment: 4 Most Common & Best Treatment Options
Inverse psoriasis treatment is pretty much the same as for the other forms of psoriasis in the sense that treatment is mainly aimed at bringing relief from the symptoms of inverse psoriasis. The success of the initial treatment will determine if more intensive treatment is required. Inverse psoriasis (aka flexuralContinue Reading
The Best Guttate Psoriasis Treatment Options & 7 Tips to Prevent Breakouts
To address guttate psoriasis treatment appropriately, we first need to understand what guttate psoriasis is and what causes it. What is Guttate Psoriasis? Guttate psoriasis is the second most common type of psoriasis (plaque psoriasis is the most common type of this autoimmune disease) in which an acute and suddenContinue Reading
Are TMJ and Tinnitus Related? Latest Research Confirms Hearing Loss Due to the Impact of TMJ Tinnitus
There seems to be a consensus that TMJ and Tinnitus are related; not on a massive scale though. According to a study published in the medical journal Cranio in Oct 2020, the incidence of tinnitus was found to be 11.46% among patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). What is Tinnitus?Continue Reading