While it only becomes more and more discussed as time passes, few people think about the health of their gut. 62% of people suffer from digestive complaints at least once a year. For 44% of people that issue was experienced in the past month. And in nations like the U.S. 72% of Americans experience one or more symptoms regularly.

This all goes to show that having an unhealthy gut can lead to real inconveniences or even long term issues. It’s not surprising either, increase in antibiotic use, poor diets, and lack of exercise all lead to poor gut health. All things that are notably common in modern society. High processed foods, for example, feed the wrong type of bacteria and promote a poor gut.

Once the gut microbiome has a poor distribution of good bacteria, issues can immediately rise. These complaints are things like upset stomachs, bloating, gas, and rapid weight loss or gain. While they may overall be minor, they can make a real difference in the quality of one’s day or week. 

This is where probiotics are introduced. The gut microbiome is covered in a wide range of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. One can, of course, work to improve their diet and general health to promote positive bacteria. Realistically though, this isn’t an option everyone can realistically execute at all times.

Probiotics are available as a supplement for those people. Probiotics build good gut health by directly supplementing live bacteria. While probiotics are typically supplements, some natural examples are yogurt and cheese. The application of probiotics can be particularly useful for those worried about any potential diseases.

Probiotics are proven to be effective in reducing diarrhea, infections, metabolic disorders, and general digestive discomforts. While many have not even considered the use of probiotics, the industry is consistently growing. By 2023, the predicted market is valued at $69.3 billion for probiotics. Taking care of oneself should always be a priority, and the gut is no exception.