Top Ways to Tighten Skin after Weight Loss

how to tighten your skin after weight loss

Top Ways to Tighten Skin after Weight Loss

Weigh loss is great for your overall health and your new handsome appearance. However, if you have lost your weight too rapidly, it might affect your skin in a way you will not like. Skin is very elastic and it is spreading as you gain weight. If you achieved your weight loss in a short period of time, your skin might hang from your body, having nothing to hold on to. This is not a pretty sight at all, and you could end up being embarrassed about it. So, what can you do to prevent this from happening? Or, if it has already happened, how can you make your skin tight again?

how to tighten your skin after weight loss
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Don’t be hasty

If you want to lose weight, that’s fine, just try not to lose it too quickly. What’s the rush? If you have managed so far, be patient a bit more. Excessive exercising can cause not only fat loss but also the loss of supportive muscles which are holding your skin. The same thing will happen with crash diets which will also lead you to dehydration. By losing pounds slowly, you will allow your skin to follow changes of your body shape which will eventually show much better results.

While eagerness and enthusiasm are usually more than useful when it comes to losing weight, overdoing it with either could not only result in muscle loss or loose skin, but also in serious injuries and strains. If you don’t have too much previous experience with dieting or regular, intensive exercise regimes, don’t hesitate to consult a doctor before committing to either.

Healthy diet

Eating healthy means being healthy. When it comes to your skin, its health depends on production of collagen which is the main structural protein. Yes, it’s a protein, which means that you should eat more food rich in proteins; for example – fish, beans, seeds or nuts. Milk is essential for healthy skin, bones, teeth and hair, so it’s more than advisable to drink a lot of milk. You can also eat milk products to some extent trying not to exceed 100-200 calories per a day.

Top Ways to Tighten Skin after Weight Loss
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While you might be able to find plenty of general advice online, you must remember that there are no universally successful diets, due to the simple fact that people react differently to nutrients. This means that you should not get completely disheartened if you learn that a diet that was perfectly effective for a friend of yours fails to produce results in your case, it might just be due to the differences in your metabolisms or one of a number of other factors.


Fill space with muscles

Build your muscles and replace the fat you have lost. In this way you will fulfill an empty space which has appeared and make your skin tight again. Whether you have already developed loose skin or you are planning to start with losing weight, ensure to include weight lifting into your exercises.

Hydrate your skin

Water should really become your best friend if you are planning to keep your skin in good condition, and not only your skin but your entire body. This way, you will avoid dryness, cracking and other skin issues which can appear in no time. Here is a simple way to rejuvenate you skin and make it glow. Mix some cucumber juice with a few drops of lemon juice and apply this mixture as a mask. It will also fade any pigmentation or scars, says Dr William Mooney, Australia leading facial cosmetic surgeon.

Regular weekly massage

Massage is great and the most pleasant way to tighten up your skin. With circular hand motions you will improve blood circulation of your skin. You can do it by yourself or ask for professional help.


We assure you that your skin will start showing you its gratitude if you treat it as it deserves. After a while, you will be more satisfied with your new looks. Maybe you will even be able to fit into your high school bikini. Who knows?

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