The tech scene has a new key nation; Israel has risen to the status of a tech startup nation, drawing attention from across the globe through its success.  To learn more about Israel’s current reputation as the startup nation, it is important to consider how Israel came to its currentContinue Reading

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is a federal tax credit introduced to incentivize employers to retain their workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ERC was specifically designed to assist businesses in recovering from the economic impact of the 2020 shutdown, compensating for pandemic-related revenue losses, and enabling them to retainContinue Reading

How do businesses align employee skills and capabilities with their overall goals and needs?  Many businesses implement learning and development (L&D) programs to achieve synergy between capabilities and outcomes.  While L&D programs are common, they are often ineffective, and require careful analysis to determine their success. Continue Reading

When one thinks of data it’s hard not to instantly think of files on a computer. Now more than ever data is surrounding us, and not just in that simple digital format either. Information is king, now more than ever. Billions of gigabytes of data are lost year after year.Continue Reading

Advanced Document Understanding (ADU) is a pivotal development in the evolution of Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), a fast-growing domain within Artificial Intelligence (AI).  As industries continue their digital transformation, IDP becomes a vital tool for automating the handling of vast quantities of unstructured data.  Advanced IDP systems leverage technologies suchContinue Reading