7 Questions to Ask Before Choosing An Orthopedic Surgeon In Syracuse

Choosing An Orthopedic Surgeon In Syracuse

Choosing An Orthopedic Surgeon In Syracuse

Having to look for an orthopedic surgeon may not be a pleasant thing to do, but if you’ve had a sports injury or you’ve had a nasty fall, and you need to undergo a surgery, you have to make sure that you find the best one. There are many orthopedic surgeons in Syracuse so you will have to diligently do your fair share of research to find the right one for your needs.


Here are some of the questions you should ask when choosing a Syracuse orthopedic surgeon:


  1. What are the surgeon’s certifications and licenses?

Although the best teacher is experience, you cannot discount the training and education of the surgeon. These educational achievements and certifications are important in establishing the eligibility of the doctor to perform surgery. Here are the following things you should look for in a surgeon:

  • Educational background
  • Certifications collected
  • Licenses to do specific procedures
  • Special pieces of training acquired


Just like the doctors who are very transparent with their education, training, and certifications at Help Heal Me Ortho in Syracuse. These aforementioned factors will help you feel much more confident that you’re in good hands.


  1. What is the surgeon’s specialty?

There are several types of procedures done in orthopedic surgery. Having ankle or knee surgery is far different from having spine surgery, so it’s a must to know if the surgeon is a prime choice for your condition. Most Syracuse surgeons have websites you can visit where they list their specializations. Some work best with shoulder injuries, others with feet or ankles and some for arthritis-related conditions to name a few.


  1. What procedures has the surgeon performed?

Surgeons have years of practice and residency in their portfolio, but you may encounter a surgeon who has not yet done the procedure that you need to undergo for a sports injury. Surely, he or she is trained for such a procedure, but you will definitely feel more assured if the surgeon has done the same procedure many times before.

Many Syracuse orthopedic surgeons are equipped with hundreds of performed procedures on different specializations. You should easily be able to find one that has done the surgery you need many times before.


  1. Where is the clinic or hospital located?

Before going for the actual surgery, you will be making plenty of trips to the clinic or the hospital where the surgeon is practicing. It’s important to look for a surgeon that you can quickly go to in case of emergency before or after the operation. Syracuse is a home for great surgeons, and you will surely find one near you.

You won’t want to fly back to your surgeon if there’s a post-surgery emergency if you find a surgeon far from your location. The Center for Orthopedic & Spine Care at St. Joseph’s in Prospect Avenue, Syracuse should be able to provide everything you need for an operation or procedure.


  1. Which hospitals are affiliated with the doctor?

Doctors and surgeons have affiliations to different hospitals. You may have a hospital of your choice where you want to have the procedure done. It could be because of facilities and the modern equipment or simply because of the location. When you find your surgeon, make sure that he or she is affiliated with that hospital and if not, check if you can make any special arrangements.


  1. What is the patients’ experience with the doctor?

Research doesn’t only mean having to look for the surgeon’s educational background or expertise. You will also have to get feedback from their patients and find out what their experiences are with that doctor. A right combination of skills, expertise, genuine concern and a loving touch could go a long way in your recovery.

You should be able to find local groups and forums, or you can start one and ask opinion and feedback from people in the Syracuse area using social media. There will be people who will share some very reliable information and input to help you decide on which surgeon to go for.


  1. Does the surgeon accept insurance?

This is particularly helpful not just for orthopedic surgeons in Syracuse but also for any medical practitioner anywhere. If you find a surgeon that you like but doesn’t accept your insurance, ask him which one he accepts so that you can see if getting that health insurance would work for you rather than finding another doctor. There may also be procedures that are not covered by your medical insurance, so it’s a good time to ask about that too.

Choosing An Orthopedic Surgeon In Syracuse

Final Thoughts

Picking the right surgeon is tricky especially if you are looking only in a specific area or location. Good thing you are in Syracuse and you are blessed with great orthopedic surgeons. Choosing your surgeon will solely depend on the part of your body that needs attention because there is a surgeon in Syracuse for every procedure you need.

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