Get Rid Of Warts On Feet – how did I get infected?
It is imperative to get rid of warts on feet as soon as one becomes aware of them. Commonly known as plantar warts, warts on feet as a rule affect the soles of feet, and are highly infectious. It is so much easier to remove plantar warts when they are small and few. Contrary to what a person may believe, it is not that difficult to get rid of warts on feet though.
Not cancerous, plantar warts are skin growths which develop as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) which is known to consist of more than 100 different strains. Different strains are responsible for different kinds of warts. The strains which cause plantar warts survive for long periods in moist and warm environments found in public saunas, showers, locker rooms and swimming pools.

The virus enters the skin through small cuts and cracks on the feet. When plantar warts are left untreated, the infection quickly spreads from the original area of infection, to other parts of the foot. When warts develop on either or both the heels and balls of feet, the pressure caused by daily activities such as walking and running, even just standing, may result in the warts growing inwards into the foot beneath a callus (a patch of hard skin).
People with weakened immunity due to recent illness or even medicine they are taking, may have to take specific measures to get rid of warts on feet. People with a healthy immune system will however generally benefit from the self-limiting nature of plantar warts. The warts will clear up naturally without any intervention from the infected individual.
Get Rid Of Warts On Feet – how do I remove warts?
There are many, many different ways to get rid of warts on feet. Most of us will at first try to remove plantar warts by means of a home remedy for warts, before embarking on more severe, and probably surgical methods. The different methods will be discussed at length, and one by one in separate articles to follow.
A very popular choice is salicylic acid which has been proven to be one of the topical treatments available over-the-counter, which almost always yield positive results when getting rid of plantar warts. It is available as a gel, cream, ointment or adhesive patch (plaster). OTC remedies are not recommended for persons with diabetes or peripheral artery disease (PAD) unless approved by their physician.
Please note: ALWAYS read through the enclosed “directions for use” for any product before using it. You are strongly advised to only use the product as directed to prevent any adverse effect.

The procedure for salicylic acid is generally as follows (follow instructions enclosed with product however):
- Using either a pumice stone or emery board, gently file away any dead skin on the wart
- Soak the wart in warm water for roughly 10 minutes to soften it
- Remove the excess water from the wart, leaving it damp (the acid penetrates the wart much better when damp)
- To prevent accidental damage to the healthy skin surrounding the wart by the acid, either apply a corn plaster or a thin layer of vaseline (petroleum jelly) to the skin around the wart
- The acid must be applied as directed; usually replacement with “fresh” plaster or re-application of acid (cream, lotion, gel, etc) is every 48 hours. This remedy method is a lengthy one, and it can take up to 12 weeks to get rid of warts on feet.
Get Rid Of Warts On Feet – how do I prevent further infection?
In conclusion, observing basic hygienic principals can prevent further infection. By not sharing shoes or socks, always wear clean socks, and put on footwear when frequenting public facilities. These simple measures can go a long way in your attempts to get rid of warts on feet.