by Katleen Brown
Over the years scientists have done many studies about strokes and the causes of strokes. There is now research that links insomnia to strokes. Insomnia is something that many people suffer from. Keep reading to find out how insomnia can lead to a stroke.
What happens when you have a stroke?
Strokes are scary and for good reason. When you have a stroke the oxygen to your brain is cut. When your brain is deprived of oxygen the cells begin to die within a matter of minutes and there is way to reverse it. When a person is having a stroke they need to seek emergency medical help as soon as possible to lessen the effects.

How do you know if you are having a stroke?
There are a few things that you will most likely experience when having a stroke. It will not go unnoticed but you have to know what the signs are in order to recognize what your body is experiencing. You may find that your sight is suddenly impaired; it could be in one or both eyes. You may also be suddenly paralyzed. Your arms, legs, or your face may suddenly go numb. You might also find that the paralysis extends to an entire side of your body. Other symptom could be vertigo, confusion, loss of speech, and pins and needles in the body.
How is insomnia and stroke risk linked?
Researchers at Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science in the Rende District of Taiwan made the link in between stroke risk and insomnia. The researchers conducted a thorough study compared the medical history of over 21,000 individuals who suffered from insomnia and 64,000 individuals who did not suffer from insomnia. None of the individuals included in the study had a past history of strokes. Though the study did not prove that insomnia was a direct cause of stroke, it did show that it made the risk of having a stroke much higher.
The individuals who suffered from constant insomnia had a very high risk of stroke and those who had insomnia from time to time and a higher risk of stroke than those who did not suffer from insomnia. The individuals who had frequent insomnia also had many of the traditional risk factors that can lead to a stroke. Some of these factors include high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
This study was led by Ya-Wen Hsu of Chia Nan University. It made large waves in the medical world and was published in the May 2014 issue of the highly regarded publication Stroke. The study ran over a course of four years. The conclusions of the study were that insomnia can give a person a %54 more likely chance of having a stroke. It also found that the chances of having a stroke among those who have insomnia were much higher among younger individuals who were between the ages of eighteen and thirty four. The individuals in this age group who had insomnia were eight times more likely to have a stroke than individuals of this age group who did not have trouble sleeping.

What can you do if you have insomnia?
The first thing that you need to do if you have insomnia is to try and identify the root of your insomnia. This way you can more easily distinguish the best route of treatment. Are your sleeping troubles caused by stress or worry? Or perhaps they are caused by using electronics late at night. Try to identify a pattern between your behaviors and the days when you have insomnia. However, many people do not know the cause of their insomnia and cannot identify a pattern.
If you can’t pin point the route of your insomnia you should consult your doctor. You can also try sleeping aids, though you should try and use those that are non-habit forming to avoid the threat of addiction. You can also look to herbal teas in order to aid sleep, or even mediation. Keep testing out new methods until you find one that works for you. By improving your sleep you may lessen the chance of having a stroke in the future.
About the Author:
Katleen Brown is a health, beauty and fitness writer. She is a long-time native from Ashburn, Virginia, USA, who loves to publish her own articles in various health related websites. In her spare time, she like to do research and write articles to bring awareness to the most recent health problems, and innovative remedies that can help save the lives of people while bringing down the costs of healthy lifestyle. She loves to be the world’s leading authority in the field of health and wellness by providing wellness information. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and outlook, she helps empower women to tune into their innate & inner wisdom to transform their health and truly flourish. Get in touch with her on Pinterest and Twitter.
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