Best Healthy Meal Plans For Your Upcoming Move


healthy meal plan options when moving home

by Dianne Abonita

When you’re planning a move to your new home, the least that you want to take care of is cooking. After all, you’ll rather spend more time packing up your belongings than preparing a good meal plan. However, you also shouldn’t use moving as an excuse not to eat healthy and right.

Read on, in this article we’ll provide a list of best healthy meal plan options for you and your family during the move.

Breakfast Meal Plan

If you have sufficient time prior to moving, it’s a good idea to prepare and try some breakfast choices to start off your day right. This meal plan will come handy even if you’re busy with your moving tasks. Enjoy your breakfast with the following options:

1. Pancake Poppers

This is an easy-to-cook breakfast option perfect to start your day right. It’s rich with protein and other important nutrients good for the body. All you need to do is buy your favorite pancake mix and start cooking it based on the instructions provided in the packaging. Prepare pancake poppers by greasing a muffin tin and pouring it into each cup. Once you’re done, mix it with fresh fruits, chopped bacon, or even crumbled sausage. Then, start baking it for at least 10 minutes.

2. Breakfast buggies

If you want something healthier for breakfast, cooking buggies can be a very good option. This is an easy-to-prep potato-based dish you can have during the moving day. Just bake a potato in the microwave and make bacon bits, cheddar cheese, and a fried egg as toppings. Eating it before your day starts can be an energy-booster.

3. Overnight Oats

When you’re on the rush, you can prepare overnight oats as a breakfast meal option. It’s an easy-to-cook and inexpensive way of boosting your energy level in the morning. To get started, get a jar or container to host your oats and mix them with banana and chia seeds. Add plain or unsweetened flavors such as almond, coconut, or cashew. Lastly, add yogurt into the mix to complete your overnight oats.


Lunch Meal Plan

Your moving day is a busy and tiring day. That said, it’s important to keep your energy level higher by preparing a healthy lunch meal plan for your move. Here are a few meal choices you can prepare:

1. Sandwich rolls

You can complete your mid-day meal with delicious sandwich rolls. It’s an energy-boosting food that will keep you moving with anything you’re working. If you want to remain active during the move, make this recipe as part of your healthy meal plan. Prepare a piece of flatbread, add slices of cheese, a layer of lettuce and ham, and roll them up. Wrap them in a foil and refrigerate for a few hours.

2. Bacon and cheese quiche

This is a healthy meal-in-pie form that you shouldn’t miss during the moving day. It’s rich with plenty of protein because of its flaky crust and creamy custard. The good thing about this recipe is that it can be served hot or eaten cold the next day. Simply place pie crust and add eggs, pepper, and salt. Put bacon, onion, and cheeses in layers then pour egg mixture on the top. Once done, bake it in the oven for almost an hour.


Snack Meal Plan

Select the best meal plan to sustain everyone’s energy throughout the move. If you hire professionals, you can prepare easy and healthy snacks for them and for your family. If you’re on a tight schedule, here are a few snack options you can have for your upcoming relocation:

1. Yogurt with almonds and granola
2. Unsweetened dried fruit
3. Pre-sliced carrots
4. Protein bars
5. Ice cold watermelon


Dinner Meal Plan

You can end a very tiring moving day with warm comfort food that you’ll surely love. Aside from buying a takeout pizza from a local store, you can make these food recipes for dinner ahead of time:

1. Country beef stew

Perfect for a cold night, this nutritious meal plan for dinner can save you time and stress. It’s super easy to cook and affordable. All you have to do is add all the ingredients to a cooker and turn it on a high setting. The ingredients for a country beef stew include chopped carrots, diced potatoes, beef chunks, celery, red onion, and water.

2. French bread pizza

You don’t need to spend much money on your dinner when moving. You can make French bread pizza as your healthy dinner recipe in a few simple ways. Just buy French bread from the bakery and slice them into long pieces. Create a trench out of the bread and cover the bottom with pizza sauce and toppings. Sprinkle with cheese and bake until you see golden and bubbly cheese inside the oven.



During the relocation, you may be busy with thorough planning and organizing, and your time to prepare nutritious meals can be easily taken for granted. Thus, follow this best healthy meal plan for your upcoming move and there’ll be no reason for you to skip meals despite a laborious day.


Author Bio

Dianne Abonita has been writing blogs for Movers NYC for quite some time now. She has an interest in a lot of things that’s why she’s comfortable writing about different niche especially in business and marketing. When she’s not busy, Dianne spends her time with her husband, Francisco, and daughter, Faye. Because of her love for her family, she is always inspired to continually create informative and relevant blogs about businesses and moving companies NYC to a wide range of audience.




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