Medication To Prevent Premature Ejaculation

“Which is the best medication to prevent premature ejaculation?”

I have a fairly long answer to give. I will first explain a bit more about the most common and popular choice, namely gels. Then I’m going to do my best to convince you that it is not a good idea for you to experiment with these on your own. Just so you know.

Medication To Prevent Premature Ejaculation

Numbing gels are probably the oldest ‘medicine’ against ejaculating prematurely. The idea behind it is that a man who ejaculates too fast has a problem of hypersensitivity and that anesthetizing the glans can solve that problem. Men have during the last hundred years applied all kinds of strange things to their penis in order to perform better. The gels and ointments that are currently prescribed by physicians usually contain lidocaine. They were not created specifically to prevent men from reaching an orgasm too quickly, but rather for all kinds of procedures where a local anesthetic is required like injections, skin grafts, inserting probes and a whole host of other painful procedures. Typical product names are EMLA or Xylocaine, but a pharmacist can also prepare an ointment.

I strongly recommend that you do not experiment with gels without first consulting with your doctor or a sexologist. Especially to make sure that this is really what you need. Premature ejaculation is a very common complaint among men. Between ten to twenty percent of men are affected. There are several ways to address the problem, with or without medication. But, the one complaint are the same and not everything works for everyone. It is therefore important to determine exactly what is going on and then decide on the strategy most likely to have the best chance of success.

Among men who complain that they ejaculate prematurely, you’ll find that they all belong to different categories wen is comes to early ejaculation. First, there are those men who have been suffering from early ejaculation all their lives, from the first time they had intercourse and every subsequent time with any person with whom they have sex. In that case, it’s probably a matter of biological predisposition and some medications can help. Certain types of antidepressants have side effects which result in delayed orgasm. Some of the gels you are wondering about have the exact same effect.

There is also a category of men who have not always experienced a problem in this area. It just started one day, and it may occur in specific situations. It is crucial to try and determine exactly what causes the premature ejaculation, especially since it has not always been the case. All kinds of psychological problems and relationship conflicts can of course ruin everything. Also in play however can be thyroid problems, or inflammation of the prostate. Sometimes the fear of losing an erection can cause men to ejaculate faster. In most cases, it is easier to figure out the best way to address the problem by taking a combination of the causes into consideration.

And then there is the category of men who, objectively, do not reach orgasm faster than the rest of the male population; they do however have the mind-set that they should be able to last longer in bed. For example, because their partner cannot reach orgasm, or because they or their spouse watch too much porn and believe that the norm is for intercourse to last for half an hour. In these cases, medication is certainly not the first choice. A more satisfactory way of making love, or more realistic ideas about sex and penetration should be discussed. Read more on how to stop early ejaculation.

Medication To Prevent Premature Ejaculation

Even if you fall into a category that may need medication, it is important that you do first gather all relevant information pertaining to dosage, how to integrate the use of the medication into your sex life, how to deal with possible side effects, or if you can use it in combination with other medications. In short: go see your doctor first.

I trust that everything does not come over too negative. It is admirable that you want to do things to improve your sex life. I just want you to get what you really need and not only have sex with a fully anesthetized jerk, when there are better solutions.


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