Neck Pain Relief Home Remedies

neck pain relief home remedies
neck pain relief home remedies

The neck is a flexible and vital part of the body responsible for carrying the head; allowing it to turn in almost any direction. It is even more important when it comes to protecting the nerves which is instrumental in keeping the body on the move. Our bodies move when sensory and motor information from the brain is sent to the nerves which in turn move the part of the body that receives the information, i.e. lifting your arm.

Neck pain is quite a common experience for many people. Some of the factors that bring on neck pain are bad posture while standing, sitting or sleeping, sport injuries, injury in the workplace, stress brought on by work pressure and/or even problems at home or due to other hazards such as vehicle accidents.  Pain in the neck from any of these situations is generally not felt straightaway.

neck pain relief home remedies

I’ve heard of instances of whiplash that only caused problems for the individual years later; I myself suffered from neck pain due to bad sleeping posture to only become aware of the pain 2-3 hours after I got out of bed. Neck pain can be very debilitating; leaving one just about paralyzed; not able to do much.  In the work place (and at home to a certain extend) this can be real problematic as there are duties which may have deadlines must be performed. Ideally one would like to lie down and give the strained muscles the necessary rest. For most people this however is not a viable option; next best thing is to consider some neck pain relief home remedies which should bring welcome relief from the pain.

One of the most popular ways to get relief is to apply some neck pain relief exercises. Get into the habit to exercise the neck muscles for a few minutes daily; not only when in pain. Sit in an upright position and turn tour head to the right as far as possible and hold for few seconds. Turn head back to the front; now turn head to the left and hold for few seconds. Repeat these 5 times every time and do 3 times daily.

neck pain relief home remedies

Another of the popular neck pain natural remedies is to gently massage the neck as this brings relaxation to the muscles, especially when caused by stress. The emphasis in on gently as harsh movements can dislocate parts of the neck. Probably best to go to a massage parlor where there are skilled professionals; rather than attempting it yourself..

Neck pain relief can be as simple as adjusting your body posture. It generally can prevent recurrences of neck pain. Best positions to sleep in are on your side or back, never on your stomach. Sleeping on your stomach means you need to twist your head; putting a lot of strain on your neck. Pillows that do not support the neck are real culprits that cause unnecessary neck pain. Rather invest in cervical pillows as these help keep the neck vertebrae in a straight line while you sleep; offering the needed support your neck needs.

neck pain relief home remedies

neck pain relief home remedies

There are other devises that can bring relief from neck pain. Coming to mind is a traction device which serves to stretch the cervical spine and render support to the neck muscles. The device is placed round the neck and inflated with air. It takes the weight of the head off of the muscles in the neck which are causing the neck pain.

neck pain relief home remedies

Using heat pads and ice packs are other neck pain relief home remedies worth a try. Do not overdo the heat pads though; too much heat can actually cause more pain. Hold the ice pack on the strained muscles for 15 -20 minutes, it reduces inflammation in the muscles, relaxing them.

Neck pain medication available over the counter, classified as muscle relaxants, are available in both pill and cream forms. Make sure to follow instructions on packaging for application. You may even want to read some reviews on products to ascertain how effective they are.

Neck pain treatment for severe neck pain requires a neck pain remedy such as a cortisone injection which can only be administered by a medical practitioner.

Even though this article is geared towards neck pain treatment at home, there are instances where the neck pain was caused by trauma such as an injury. Neck pain can become severe and chronic; eventually leading to surgery of a very delicate nature.

neck pain relief home remedies

neck pain relief home remedies

Read more on how to cure neck pain 

Prevent neck pain by observing proper posture while sleeping, sitting (don’t slouch on a chair, sit up straight with both feet on the ground) and if your job entails sitting in front of a computer all day, make sure you exercise your neck, ensure the top of the monitor is at eye level and do take a short walk every hour to keep muscles loose. Bend your legs to pick up heavy stuff, not your back.

Let us know what caused your neck pain; also about your neck pain relief home remedies…drop us a comment below

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