Based on the location of pain, eye pain is classified into two categories – orbital pain and ocular pain. Orbital pain is the pain on the outer surface of the cornea while ocular pain originates from inner parts of the eye. Most eye pains accompany other symptoms which vary from patient to patient and are subject to cause of the pain. These include…Continue Reading

Ever considered the risks and side effects of marijuana? No matter what the medication, whether antidepressant, anxiolytic, mood stabilizers and/or sleep aids, there are always some forms of side effects. There is also the chance you can have weak tolerance and even an allergic reaction.Continue Reading

6 tips to fight dull frizzy hair in winter as the temperature drops and the wind picks up. The hair care issues of summer are behind you, and now is the time to put a winter plan in place. If you’d like to know how to get shiny hair in winter, avoiding dryness andContinue Reading

What are the benefits of ginger for hair? The combination of a host of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients make it one of the best natural ingredients to combat hair loss and promote healthy locks. Check out some of ginger’sContinue Reading