Artificial intelligence (AI) has quickly become an integral part of the global technology mix. Interest in AI has dramatically spiked in recent years, and there has been a 2x increase in AI research since 2010. Global adaptation of the technology is also on the rise. Countries like China, the United Kingdom, and the United States are among the leading nations in both exploring and using AI.

Our lives are expected to change significantly due to AI in the coming years. Technology is only getting smarter, affecting all areas of life, such as education, transportation, entertainment, and more. However, the idea of “human free” AI is a myth. AI depends on humans to make sound decisions and come up with complex ideas. Although some softwares, like ChatGPT, could pass as a real human, no platform has ever been able to do something unexplainable by its creators.

The current intelligence of AI has caused experts to push for more attention on its use and growth. In the wrong hands, AI has the potential to become something that humans can no longer control. However, with the right human guidance, AI may be able to tap into more human soft skills, making it the ultimate tool to technological development and future endeavors. Experts say that with the combination of human and artificial capabilities, AI may learn to multitask, use common sense, make moral decisions, have empathy, and even display creativity.

Adaptability and creativity are the number one things that AI needs from humans to excel. Because AI is currently motiveless, it is up to us, the users, to use our power for good. The bottom line is that unlocking the potential of AI starts with human interaction. Those who can create human-centric commands through artificial intelligence hold the keys to our future and the key to technological advancement.