When To Consult A Physical Therapist For Seeking Pelvic Floor Therapy

When To Consult A Physical Therapist For Seeking Pelvic Floor Therapy

by Martin Kelvin

When To Consult A Physical Therapist For Seeking Pelvic Floor Therapy

When To Consult A Physical Therapist For Seeking Pelvic Floor Therapy

Have you ever met a pelvic floor physical therapist? Well, if you haven’t done that so far, then you won’t be knowing why people take their assistance. Pelvic floor therapy helps in curing the conditions linked to pelvic muscles.

These muscles provide support to organs in the pelvic region, which typically stretches between the abdomen and thighs.

Some of the muscles found in this region include transversus abdominis, multifidus, lumbar muscles, cervical muscles, and deep rotators, etc., and keeping them healthy is vital for strengthening the functions of pelvic organs.

Strong pelvic floor muscles are essential for the proper functioning of the bladder, which stores the urine after receiving it from the kidney. In other words, if you have weak pelvic muscles, then you are bound to face a large number of problems like difficulty releasing urine and constipation.

According to Nova Rehabilitation, one of the most sought-after PT clinics in Lansdowne, VA, “Pelvic rehabilitation is a type of therapy for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Muscles in the pelvic area sometimes become tight or weak, leading to a variety of painful or debilitating ailments that can affect your daily life. A physical therapist will provide a musculoskeletal examination to determine what specific type of treatment you’ll need.”

So, whether you are struggling with chronic pelvic pain, constipation or difficulty in urination, seeking pelvic floor therapy can bring a significant amount of change in your health.

A therapist that treats problems linked to pelvic muscles uses low-impact but effective exercises, manual therapy, and biofeedback, etc., to treat pelvic pain and other conditions.

It is a kind of therapy that not only helps in strengthening your core muscles but also helps in avoiding conditions such as back pain, abdomen pain, and protects your inner organs. You can gain several benefits if you seek this therapy from a licensed physical therapist.


What happens when you meet your therapist?

 They Discus Your Problem

When you meet your therapist, they ask you what type of pain or problem you are facing, and you have to explain everything effectively. Until your therapist gets to know what kind of problem you are facing, they won’t be able to offer the right treatment for it. Therefore, it’s essential that you explain each symptom to them.

Once your therapist gets to know what’s causing the problem, they will treat it accordingly.


Your Therapist Will Evaluate Your Medical History

To get a deeper understanding of your fitness level, they will examine your medical history. In this way, they come to know what kinds of problems you have faced in the past, and are those problems still having an impact on your health. In case the problem in your pelvic region is due to an underlying illness, then your therapist will create your fitness plan accordingly.

Therefore, an in-depth examination of your problem is highly vital.


They Will Design A Personalised Care Plan

Each patient suffering from pelvic floor disorders needs a personalized treatment plan to meet their needs. Since our ability to fight with pelvic floor disorders differs from each other, we need an individualized care plan. Your therapist uses the treatment techniques based on the severity of your condition.


They Will Continue To Monitor Your Progress

Your therapist tracks your progress continuously, which makes it easier for them to identify whether the care plan is working for you or not. For example; if your body is responding effectively, then they will continue with the same treatment techniques; however, if you are unable to make any progress toward your recovery, then they will change the treatment.

So, the fact that your therapist tracks your progress from time to time eventually helps in seeking quick recovery.


Pelvic Floor Therapy Shortens Your Recovery Period

If you are experiencing pain in your pelvic floor muscles, the treatment that your therapist offers will reduce it quickly. The reason for that is your therapist will focus on addressing the primary cause of your problem. The best part is they use the non-invasive and drug-free techniques to strengthen the muscles that support internal organs.

And because you are taking drug-free treatment to cure your condition, you will never get side-effects.


Here are some techniques that your therapist might use during the therapy session:


Relaxation Techniques

One of the most crucial techniques that your therapist uses is a relaxation technique, which helps you relax so that your therapist can stretch your body especially the muscles. In most cases, they use biofeedback and imagery to relax the patient.


Myofascial Exercises

In case you are struggling with myofascial pain, which arises from the trigger point in your body, then myofascial exercises are the best option to heal your problem. These exercises will address the condition with your pelvic floor muscles and will subside the pain shortly.

Your therapist may use everything from massage and low-impact exercises to specific stretches targeting pelvic muscles.


Postural Conditions

If the pain in your pelvic muscles is due to poor posture, then postural exercises can improve your condition fast. These exercises will not only strengthen your muscles but will also help you avoid the problems linked to poor posture.


Diaphragmatic Breathing

If you are looking forward to relaxing your pelvic floor muscles, then diaphragmatic breathing is the best way to achieve your goal. Your diaphragm starts contacting and expanding swiftly if your practice deep breathing regularly, which eventually helps pelvic floor muscles to lengthen.

So, if you want to take your fitness level to the next level, you should consult a licensed physical therapist to heal conditions linked to the pelvic region.

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