15 Amazing Facts About Your Teeth

by Sara O Brown

15 Amazing Facts About Your Teeth

A dental condition is an index to your all-round development. Dental health promotes your complete physical well being.

A beautiful refreshing smile can brighten up your life, but that takes place when your teeth are in good health.

A good oral hygiene is necessary and should include brushing, flossing, scraping your tongue besides using media bottles containing mouthwash.

For improving your dental health, you can leverage medicines stored in sterilized media bottles and oral sedatives which are administered into the patient through pills.


Here is a non-exhaustive list of 15 wonderful facts about your teeth.


  1. There are 4 different kinds of teeth and each one of them has specific functionality. The incisors in the front help in biting the food. The adjacent canines tear apart the food and help in chewing. Premolars facilitate crushing the hard substances of food, while the far ended molar teeth grind and mash the food.


  1. The outermost whitish layer of your teeth is known as the enamel and is the hardest part of your entire body, even stronger than your bones.

  1. Toothpaste is much late in its inception, having discovered 100 years back. In older days, before toothpaste came into the picture, people used charcoal, ashes, chalk powder, and lemon juice to clean their teeth and they are equally effective if not more. Ancient Greeks and Romans used pumice dust, talc powder, alabaster, coral powder or iron rust as toothpaste while the Vedic civilizations used neem twigs, herbal leaves, and fruit extracts.


  1. Flossing your mouth at least once a day can make your life longer by 5 years by boosting up your dental health. So pick up 10 minutes in the evening and floss your mouth with threads to remove food particles and plaque remains. Flossing enables you to remove stuck particles in the deep-seated gum line where the brush cannot reach.

  1. Teeth are unique like our fingerprints and forensic technologies use them as distinguishing factors for identification. This is the same good reason that your smile is unique. So next time, check your one and only tongue print.


  1. Tooth decay occurs when acids from food and drink create plaque, which dissolves enamel and exposes the underlying dentin on the crown and cementum on the root. Plaque contains over 300 species of bacteria. Using an antibacterial mouth rinse will help to keep bad bacteria at bay.

  1. There are more bacteria living in your mouth than there are people on the Earth. Tooth decay is the most common childhood disease. There is enough fluoride in a tube of toothpaste to kill a small child. Make sure you encourage your little one to spit out their paste after brushing and not swallow them.


  1. Cheese, boiled green vegetables, steamed lettuce form a protective layer around your teeth and neutralize food acids to reduce chances of plaques. Take them as appetizers before your main course. Also avoid red wine, ketchup, curry sauces since they stain your teeth and aggravates your oral health. Take prescribed medicines preserved in sealed media bottles to boost up your dental health.

  1. Teeth start to form in the womb itself. After birth, most of them usually break through the gum between 6-12 months. Parents should brush the baby’s teeth with soft pads, as soon as they are visible. This is done to curb out any risk of infection. These are the 20 “milk teeth” in a child which break and later grow into 32 teeth in an adult. The 4 wisdom teeth are vestigial organs.


  1. Teeth are not capable of self-repairment, unlike your bone system. That is why it is imperative that dental care precaution is taken seriously because once they are gone, you must live with false teeth. Recently with the advent of DNA based genome technology, stem cells in our teeth are analyzed to harbor the prospect of regrowing the teeth. Undifferentiated stem cell within our teeth has the potential to develop into newer cells.

  1. One-third of your tooth is underneath your gums—that means only two-thirds of your tooth’s length is visible in your lower and upper jaws.


  1. The average person will spend almost 40 days brushing their teeth throughout their lifetime. It is highly recommended to brush your teeth for 3-4 minutes, and not the rapid 1-minute brushing we do every morning and night.

  1. Hydrate your mouth by drinking enough water. The saliva in your mouth is a natural cleanser of your teeth and keeps it safe and healthy. It forms a protective layer against incoming food bacteria, and dissolves any alien germ, protecting your teeth.


  1. Teeth tattoos are prevalent these days. These tattoos are actually electronic sensors which annihilate bacterial growth. Imprinted on silk, the tattoos are placed onto a tooth, and after water washes the silk away the graphene remains and monitors the mouth for bacteria.

  1. The most valuable tooth belonged to Sir Isaac Newton. In 1816 one of his teeth was sold in London for $3,633, or in today’s currency $35,700.


If you ever visit Sri Lanka be sure to touch down the city of Kandy, where you’ll find Lord Buddha’s left canine on display in the Temple of the Tooth.

Dental remains of the great saint are also preserved in Singapore and California and legend has it that the remains have mystic healing powers.

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