6 Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy and Glowing Skin

6 Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy and Glowing Skin

Did you know that your skin reflects your inner health? Not only that, but the human skin also mirrors how you live your life — from the diet your follow to the overall lifestyle you lead. This may be why the adage “You are what you eat” came to be.

Your skin shows how well you take care of yourself. If you’re stressed, it will show in your complexion and the elasticity of your skin. If you don’t have good sleeping habits, it will also reflect through your skin in the form of dark circles under your eyes.

If you wish to achieve youthful skin, you should first take a look at your daily nutrient intake. To help you get started, here are six vitamins and minerals that you need to achieve healthy-looking skin.


1.   Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known to boost the immune system, but it has also started gaining traction as an important ingredient in many skin care products.

This vitamin found within the two layers of the skin (the epidermis and the dermis) has been found to promote regular production of collagen, a protein that gives the skin its elasticity. This means that ascorbic acid and other forms of vitamin C works to reduce the fine lines and signs of skin aging.

Aside from that, vitamin C also regulates the levels of antioxidants in the body while helping to prevent photodamage due to overexposure to UV rays. It also aids in moisture retention for healthier skin and hair.


2.   Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Healthy fats known as omega-3 fatty acids are responsible for giving your skin its youthful glow. Because of this, it is important that you have a sufficient supply of these fatty acids to keep your skin supple, firm, and hydrated. This can help prevent the emergence of wrinkles and other signs of aging as well.

To benefit from these fatty acids, you must make sure that you are consuming foods rich in healthy polyunsaturated fats. You can get these nutrients from seeds and nuts as well as some fruits like avocados. Fish has also been known as a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.


3.   Vitamin A

Aside from being good for your eye health, vitamin A also plays a key role in giving your skin that youthful glow. This vitamin is required in both the lower and upper layers of your skin as it has been found to contribute to the prevention of sun damage by disrupting the process of collagen breakdown.

This antioxidant also offers a certain level of protection from the side effects of being exposed to sunlight for too long, like sunburn, but not as much as sunscreen lotions can. Lack of vitamin A can also leave your skin dry and bumpy, making it prone to skin conditions like atopic dermatitis. In addition, this vitamin can be beneficial in preventing and treating acne breakouts, especially severe ones.

4.   Vitamin E

Vitamin E is the superstar of vitamins and minerals in most skin care products because of its widely acclaimed benefits. Aside from serving as a scavenger of free radicals, vitamin E helps minimize dark spots and other consequences of overexposure to UV rays. It also helps reduce oxidative stress in the skin, which means you will look younger with enough of this nutrient in your system.

Vitamin E has also been known to prevent skin conditions when applied topically, but it is more effective in keeping the skin moisturized and in preventing skin inflammation when included in your diet.


5.   Vitamin B3 or Niacin

One of the essential B-vitamins, niacin or B3 is also important in maintaining healthy skin. This becomes more apparent when you are exposed to the sun’s rays too often and too long as vitamin B3 aids in protecting your skin from sun damage and its side effects, which include fine lines, dark spots, and pigmentation.

It has also been found to contribute to the skin’s elasticity and texture. This is why many skin care companies incorporate this vitamin in the form of niacinamide in their skin whitening products to help consumers achieve brighter skin minus the redness that usually comes with peeling.

6.   Zinc

Zinc is more abundant in the epidermis than in the dermis — five times more, to be exact. This mineral is responsible for promoting skin healing following an injury, which typically happens in the outermost layer of the skin. It works by maintaining the stability of cell walls while the cells divide to form new ones.

Zinc is also considered as an important part of your skin care regimen since it interacts well with other metals in your body (copper and iron) and serves as an antioxidant. Alternatively, lack of this mineral can lead to an eczema-like condition which cannot be treated by simply applying steroid creams and moisturizers on it.


Beyond Appearances

Having beautiful skin isn’t all about your physical appearance — it also reflects your inner health and how well you take care of yourself. The lack of certain vitamins and minerals can lead to poor complexion, texture, and elasticity of the skin, so make sure you get enough of these essential nutrients to keep your skin healthy.

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