Explaining the Basics of Keto and How It Works

basics of keto and how it works

basics of keto and how it works

A keto diet implies an almost complete rejection of carbohydrates in nutrition. This, in turn, makes the body use, not glucose (digestion of carbohydrates), but ketone bodies (a product of fat metabolism) as a source of energy. Read our comprehensive review on starting a keto diet.

Keto diet is an easy way to lose weight and reduce body fat without controlling calorie intake. The essence of a keto is the maximum restriction of carbohydrates in the menu (you can eat only a small amount of green vegetables – sources of fiber, vitamins, and minerals). Ready to learn more about the keto diet explained? Let’s dive in.

What is a keto diet?

Strictly speaking, the keto diet is a whole class of different foods for weight loss and treating chronic diseases. Initially, ketone nutrition was used for epilepsy, then by professional athletes for drying. 

The advantages of a keto diet are a quick loss of body fat without calorie control or even without sports. With the help of the best exogenous ketones, it becomes even more comfortableHowever, there are also disadvantages. The ketone diet is not recommended for pregnancy and chronic diseases – especially high blood pressure, as well as problems with the liver and kidneys.

How the keto diet works – briefly:

  • almost complete rejection of carbohydrates;
  • instead of glucose, the body switches to ketone bodies;
  • for weight loss without counting calories.

Who needs a keto diet?

First of all, a keto diet is recommended for those who want to lose weight without counting calories. Ketone nutrition eliminates foods that lead to weight gain – primarily sweet and starchy foods, as well as any sources of fast carbohydrates.

However, the keto diet is not the easiest one for beginners. The first days of nutrition without carbohydrates can be quite complicated in terms of compiling a menu and a drop in a working capacity. Besides, on the keto diet for beginners, it is essential to monitor the sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals.

Keto diet food list

Eating on a keto diet allows only those foods that do not contain carbohydrates, do not increase blood sugar, and do not let the body get out of a fat-burning ketosis state. Read more about the keto diet principle.

Safe keto diet plan – list of allowed products:

  • all types of meat (pork, beef, chicken)
  • chicken eggs
  • any vegetable oils
  • any green vegetables
  • all kinds of fish and seafood
  • high-fat dairy products (cheese, butter, natural cottage cheese, milk in small quantities)
  • nuts in small quantities
  • berries in small quantities
  • non-starchy vegetables (avocado, pumpkin in small amounts)
  • mushrooms
  • seeds, herbs, spices

Keto diet – how to start?

Keto diet prohibits the use of not only bread, flour and pasta, pastries, sweets, sweet juices, and soda, but also any fast carbohydrates, almost all fruits, as well as vegetables high in starch and most cereals.

For switching the metabolism to the ketone mode, the blood glucose level should be low for at least 36-48 hours. A method for such a decrease in glucose is a complete rejection of foods containing carbohydrates. Also, entry into ketosis can happen on the principle of intermittent fasting.


A carbohydrate-free diet is one of the most effective for losing weight and maintaining a stable weight. If you refuse to consume carbohydrate foods, the body goes into a ketone regime, starting to use available fat reserves as an energy source. According to reviews, a diet without carbohydrates leads to rapid weight loss without fighting hunger.

Have you ever tried a keto diet? Please share your experience in the comment section below.


Author’s bio: My name is Adam Reeve and I have been a professional personal trainer and fitness instructor for over 10 years. Also, I’m a life coach, wellness writer, and low carb diets, enthusiast.



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