5 Natural Therapies Useful in Treatment of Asthma
Asthma is a common lung disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a chronic inflammatory illness that brings on sudden attacks which cause the patient’s respiratory passages to become narrow and swollen, leading to difficulty in breathing, wheezing and cough. With environmental pollution on the rise, the incidenceContinue Reading
All That You Need To Know About Vaping CBD Oil
A few years ago, there was little awareness related to the use of cannabis and smoking was the primary option used to consume it. Now as it has entered the mainstream, much has changed, with users alternating smoking with options such as edibles, capsules, tinctures, and capsules. Vaping, too, hasContinue Reading
6 Types of Face Masks and What They Can Do
by Helen Bradford 6 Types of Face Masks and What They Can Do As we stepped into December and the holidays are slowly approaching, there will be an abundance of alcohol, sweets, and parties. Dehydration and lack of sleep are some of the main reasons why our skin may beContinue Reading
5 Tips To Help You Deal With Intestinal Parasites
Parasites are more common than you think and you may catch one through the food you eat or the water you drink. They can also make way inside your body through your feet if you walk barefoot. Lack of hygienic practices such as eating without washing your hands could beContinue Reading
Food For Energy: Healthy Options To Help You Get Through The Day
The food you eat plays a vital role in keeping you up and about. While everything you eat eventually gets broken down into the energy you need, not all of it gives you the right amount of boost in the most efficient manner. Most people rely on either coffee orContinue Reading
Do Dietary Supplements Make An Individual Lose Weight?
by Jayden ChalmersWhen we want to lose weight, we look for help almost everywhere. There is no shortage of pills, drinks, and supplements in the market which claims and promises to be effective for weight loss. A lot of people try weight loss supplements. But do these weight loss productsContinue Reading
Protect Your Child From Dental Emergencies
Find out what you can do to protect your child from any kind of dental emergency.Continue Reading
How To Use The Body’s Own Processes To Lose Weight
by AmelWeight loss is a subject that interests a lot of people these days, due to the fact that most of us don’t enjoy sufficient physical activity, we have a busy schedule, hectic eating habits, and preference for unhealthy foods. You may be tempted to think that losing weight isContinue Reading
7 Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening
by Nitesh Ranjan Nobody likes yellowish teeth. People want to get rid of discolored or stained teeth at the earliest. So, most of them use natural remedies at home for whitening teeth and find results varying from satisfactory to okay. There is, however, professional whitening that promises amazing results inContinue Reading
Natural Soap and Your Health: Why Natural Is Better
With a huge and vast selection of soap in the supermarket, drugstore, or your local organic store, which one is better? Soaps come in all shapes, types, colours, sizes, fragrances, and designs. The dilemma lies in knowing what you should be looking for in a bar of soap. A lotContinue Reading