10 Questions to Ask Your Aesthetician about Cellulite Reduction

by Rebecca Hill

Questions about Cellulite Reduction

If you’re discouraged by that “cottage cheese” skin caused by cellulite, you’re not alone. A whopping 90% of women have cellulite, so don’t despair! Our aestheticians provide cellulite reduction treatments using advanced technology to target fat cells with short comfortable appointments that require no downtime.

Here are 10 questions to ask your aesthetician about cellulite reduction treatment:


Before Treatment

1.   Will this treatment work for me?

If you have tried to get rid of body fat and cellulite through diet and exercise without success, you are likely a good candidate for treatment. Most women live with cellulite as they are worried about the pain and downtime associated with surgery. If you don’t want the hassle of surgery but are seeking effective treatment, this is an excellent option. That said, treatments might not be suitable if you have any of the following issues:

  • Any form of inflammation and/or infection in the treatment area
  • Current or history of cancer
  • A degenerative neurologic disease or any other disease around the treatment area that’s stimulated by heat (e.g. herpes)
  • An internal defibrillator/pacemaker
  • Metal implants (excluding dental) in the treatment area
  • Uncontrolled thyroid gland disorder
  • Varicose veins
  • Pregnant or are undergoing an IVF procedure
  • Skin-related autoimmune diseases
  • Silicone implants and/or injections in the area

2.   Can a person with darker skin tone opt for this treatment?

Interestingly, cellulite affects more Caucasian women than those of Asian or African descent. Women with darker skin do not have to worry as much about the appearance of cellulite. But if you are unhappy with the appearance of your skin, we can provide treatment for women of all skin tones.

3.   How many sessions before I can start seeing results?

How many sessions required is dependent on the person. However, we usually see results within 6 to 8 treatments. Treatments last no longer than 30 minutes so they are easy to work into your schedule. Also, continuous treatments will allow you to see the best results.

4.   How often should I attend the sessions?

Ideally, we schedule your sessions one week apart and preferably no more than two weeks apart.

5.   How should I prepare for the treatment?

Luckily there isn’t much you need to worry about before your treatments. However, you will have to remove all jewelry and skip the makeup and lotions when you come to your sessions.





During Treatment

6.   How long is the procedure and does it hurt?

The procedure will take about 30 minutes and is designed to keep you as comfortable as possible. The procedure is not usually painful, as we use a combination of heat and suction, which can be adjusted to suit your needs.

7.   What does the treatment feel like?

This is a completely non-invasive treatment that uses an applicator that gradually warms as the treatment is applied. The temperature will slowly increase, and if for any reason you feel it is too hot you can let our aesthetician know and they will adjust the temperature to keep you comfortable. Some treatments will combine heat and suction using the VariPulse™ feature. Along with the heat, the VariPulse™ feature applies gentle suction as it moves over your skin. Patients have described this as a gentle vacuum, however, if you feel it is too powerful we can lower the suction level. Your comfort is always our number one concern.


After Treatment

8.   How does it feel after the treatment?

Our patients feel renewed and invigorated following treatment. They also often see an increase in confidence and feel relief that they finally feel comfortable wearing shorts, bikinis, and shorter skirts and dresses. With no after-effects, they can continue their daily routines and do not experience any stress and anxiety associated with more invasive treatments or surgery.

9.   Are the results permanent?

The nature of this treatment creates an effect that continues after each session. This means that even after you receive your final treatment, the effects continue to improve the appearance of your cellulite for up to three or four months. You will require some maintenance sessions, which we recommend every three or four months, but this varies from person to person.

10.   Do I need a vacation after the treatment?

No! Our treatment is completely non-invasive, allowing you to get on with your life until your next treatment. Although there might be some redness following your sessions, this will fade within a few hours. You can also apply lotion to your skin directly after treatment if you desire.


How can I avoid having cellulite come back?

There are some changes you can make to your diet to help increase and maintain the desired results following treatment including:

  • Fruits and veggies Antioxidants, phytonutrients and bioflavonoids can help reduce cellulite and can be found in beetroot, red cabbage, purple sweet potato, pomegranate, red kale, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, blackberries, and cranberries.
  • Protein To improve healthy connective tissue and collagen production protein found in gelatin, bone broth, nuts, seeds, poultry, and fish can help.
  • Fewer Carbs A necessary evil for weight loss is reducing carb intake, including processed foods, soft drink, fast foods, cake, and candies. Instead, choose small servings of whole grain carbs including multi-grain bread, oats, sweet potato, and legumes.
  • Healthy Fats Avoid ‘vegetable’ fats and choose healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado oils, fish oils, nuts, and flaxseed.


Beauty takes a lot of effort. Ask any celebrity and they will tell you they don’t look that way by sitting back and eating chips on the couch all day. We recommend that our clients choose a healthier diet and add daily exercise such as walking, swimming, jogging or even dancing to help prolong the effects of their treatment while keeping you healthier and happier.

For more information about cellulite reduction call Venus Concept at (888) 568-1044.

Author Bio:

Rebecca Hill is the community manager of Venus Concept, who spends a lot on skincare products after having a troubled teenhood full of acne.

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