How 4 TMJ Relief Exercises Quickly Treat Jaw Pain Causes and Symptoms

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What Is TMJ Disorder?

Before getting into the TMJ relief exercises which can bring welcome relief from TMJ symptoms, we need to clarify what TMJ disorder means.

TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) is a joint that works as a hinge to connect your skull with your jawbone. You use it for eating, chewing, and swallowing. But all these day-to-day tasks can turn gruesome if you get TMJ disorder.

When your TMJ causes constant/intermittent ringing, buzzing, chirping sounds in your ears, chances are that the TMJ brought on tinnitus which is often related to the TMJ.

TMJ disorder can occur due to arthritis, jaw injury, trauma, or inflammation. TMJ disorder symptoms cause pain while chewing, pain in different parts of the face, clicking or popping sound of the jaw, and headaches.

TMJ signs and symptoms

How Can TMJ Relief Exercises Ease The Jaw Pain?

1. Stretching Routine

Push your chin downwards against your thumb placed under your chin. Hold your mouth open for 10 seconds in this position. Repeat this exercise a few times.

Another stretching routine is to open your mouth wide. Then put your index finger below your lower lip. Close your mouth while the index figure is pushing inward.

2. Practice Relaxation

TMJ disorder is often caused by tension and stress. Thus tension realizing relaxation exercise can heal you holistically from the pain. Inhaling and exhaling slowly is standard relaxation and meditation practice. Concentrate on your stomach expanding rather than your chest.

You can also lie down somewhere comfortably. Then tense and release tension from each body part one by one. Start with your feet and end with your face. Try to think as little as possible during the relaxing exercises. Concentrate on your breathing and healing of your TMJ.

3. Gentle Face Massage

Start your face massage by relaxing TMJ and other muscles of your face by applying heat.

Then gently massage all over your face in circular motions. Move from your TMJ to your jaw and other parts of your face. Massage your ears as well to release the tension from your ears. You should not feel any pain or discomfort while doing this exercise. Stop immediately if you feel any discomfort.

If you are taking the help of someone else, make sure they know your TMJ’s sensitivity and massage accordingly. You can apply heat for comfort at the beginning, middle, and end of the face massage.

4. Exercise Using Pen or Pencil

Keep an object like a pen or pencil in your mouth horizontally between your teeth.

Try to move your jaw side to side while holding that pen between your teeth. Then bring your lower teeth in front of your upper teeth while holding the pen in the same position. Repeat these exercises few times.

Once you feel comfortable with a pen or pencil, try with a higher diameter object like a marker.

tmj relief exercises

Other Treatment Options Available to Treat TMJ Symptoms

TMJ Therapy

A device known as a dental splint is placed over teeth to prevent them from grinding.
TMJ relief exercises like jaw stretching are also suggested as TMJ therapy.
Fomentation with heat and ice to relax the muscle pain.


Pain reliever, muscle relaxants, and stress reliever medications provide relief from severe TMJ pain.

Home Remedies & Lifestyle

Application of an ice pack to relieve pain for the time being.
Eat only soft foods and follow TMJ dietary guidelines
Jaw stretching
Avoid stress and tension


This should be the very last resort. If nothing works for you, the dentist may consider surgery to treat your TMJ.



TMJ relief exercises and TMJ ear pain relief exercises help to escape the pain. But don’t start the exercises when you are in severe pain. Do the exercises only when you are in a relaxed mode to prevent future pain.

If you maintain a healthy lifestyle and be alert as to what triggers  TMJ, you can manage your condition. TMJ disorder can be cured completely.

You should not delay in contacting a dentist once you start experiencing the initial symptoms associated with the TMJ disorder.


Author Bio:

Shen Chao is part of Joshua Hong DDS. While working at the Smile Clinic, he has witnessed how dental implants can improve people’s smiles and boost their self-confidence. If you are interested in improving your smile or need a dental procedure contact Shen Chao to learn more by emailing him at or get more information at