Colleges are struggling to keep their doors open. The financial status of many higher education institutions is poor at best and completely devastated in too many cases. As enrollment is dwindling and college age Americans are turning to other avenues to pursue the American dream, colleges are struggling to stayContinue Reading

By 2031, Generation Z’s income will surpass that of Millennials’. As a generation, they will grow to over $2 trillion in global earnings. Brands of all types will increasingly want to market to them (if they don’t already), but they may be surprised to learn that Gen Z consumers don’tContinue Reading

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed medicine forever.  Its impact is especially apparent in hospital pharmacies.  Many such pharmacies took on new job responsibilities during the pandemic.  They faced increased prescription demand, changes to medication-use guidelines, and new responsibilities to fill hospital gaps in sanitization and disinfection.  As a result ofContinue Reading

Data breaches are increasing in frequency across the globe.  These cyberattacks pose serious threats to the healthcare industry.  Data breaches increase a hospital’s 30-day mortality rate.  They cost an average of $6.5 million to fix, or $429 per patient record.  These costs relate to legal, technical, and regulatory functions asContinue Reading

While staffing shortages have impacted innumerable industries internationally, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting production shutdowns, an ongoing shortage in nursing home staffing is creating a new epidemic to fear. These staffing shortages have grown so much in severity that 78% of nursing homes fear closure asContinue Reading