Best Products for Acne Scars

Best Products for Acne Scars

Best Products for Acne Scars

When looking for the best products for acne scars, obviously only tried and tested methods will do. All the natural acne remedies discussed in this article have been proven to work for many people. Keep in mind however that generally, natural acne solutions only work when they are applied as directed diligently and consistently; also those homemade acne treatments usually take longer to yield good results.

Before getting to the different acne scar home remedies, allow me to first explain how acne scars are formed:

Acne scars are the result of inflammation within the dermis brought on by acne. The scar is created by the wound trying to heal itself resulting in too much collagen in one spot.

Physical acne scars are often referred to as “Icepick” scars. This is because the scars tend to cause an indentation in the skin’s surface. There are a range of treatments available. Although quite rare, the medical condition Atrophia Maculosa Varioliformis Cutisalso results in “acne-like” depressed scars on the face.

  • Ice pick scars: Deep pits that are the most common and a classic sign of acne scarring.
  • Box car scars: Angular scars that usually occur on the temple and cheeks, and can be either superficial or deep, these are similar to chickenpox scars.
  • Rolling scars: Scars that give the skin a wave-like appearance.
  • Hypertrophic scars: Thickened, or keloid scars.”



Exposure to too much sun can cause scars to become darker; it also slows down any healing process. The ultraviolet rays stimulate the pigment producing cells, known as melanocytes, which leads to the discoloration. Whenever you venture outdoors, you are strongly advised to use a sun block with SPF 15 and higher. These sunscreens contain zinc oxide, and need to be applied every 2 hours while out in the sun.

Refrain from picking your zits; also do not squeeze them as this causes more inflammation and injury to your skin. These actions produce pus, which with bacteria, causes more damage to the collagen when it penetrates deeper into your skin.


The amazing secrets of homemade acne treatments:


Before embarking on using a specific acne home treatment, you may want to test your skin’s reaction to the remedy. Apply the ingredients of the remedy to an area on your arm and wait for about 24 hours to see if you have any allergic reaction. Once it looks like there are no side-effects, start applying the remedy to your acne or the acne scar(s) for the period as prescribed by the different home treatments for acne. It is possible to develop a skin irritation after a few days though. When this happens, simply move on and try another of the remedies.

Be aware that some of the home acne treatments discussed below is meant to treat acne scars; others are merely homemade acne remedies which may be used to treat acne.


Activated charcoal: is one of those amazing natural acne cures. It has the ability to prevent absorption of toxins by the body by trapping them.

Charcoal is most often made from burning wood or coconut husk in very high heat without the presence of oxygen. This `activated` process creates millions of little pores within the charcoal material. These pores take in and hold large amounts of liquid and toxic debris. Activated charcoal is said to adsorb foreign materials rather than absorb them. Sponges absorb liquids but do not bind them, and therefore they can be squeezed right out. On the flip side, substances like charcoal that adsorb actually bind the toxins so they cannot escape. When toxins and other impurities interact with charcoal, they are bound tightly at a molecular level and cannot escape.”


Please be advised that as with any home remedy, it is always wise and required to first test the substance on a patch of skin to check the skin’s reaction to it before applying it as prescribed.

Activated charcoal is available in both capsule and powder forms. Prepare a mixture of activated carbon powder and 100% pure aloe vera gel. Use sufficient amounts of each to form enough paste to cover the acne affected areas; expect to see visible results within 2-3 days. Wash your face with your normal cleanser/soap (you may want to dry charcoal soap – it won’t cure acne but will prevent acne outbreaks) and dry. Apply the paste to the pimples, using a q-tip. You can even apply to acne prone areas on your face. As the charcoal dries on your skin, it absorbs the excess oil and impurities. Be sure to leave the paste on for no less than 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water and pat dry. Use a cotton swab and moisturize with aloe vera gel.


Alcohol: a ball of cotton dipped in alcohol, used as a skin toner, is a very potent and effective acne treatment option. Alcohol is very acidic and kills any bacteria by cleaning the pores. It also destroys dead skin cells. Overuse of this method can, however, lead to irritation and peeling of the skin. Once you experience any of these symptoms, you can either use it less often or dilute the alcohol with water.


Aloe vera: available in topical applications, as well as gel and juice. For our purpose of concentrating on all natural acne treatments, either the gel, (available from your local natural foods shop) or juice from a fresh leave of the aloe vera plant is applied to the acne scar.

When used on a regular basis, you can even prevent acne breakouts. Achieved by the acerbic quality of aloe vera which is naturally soothing to the skin; it also reduces swelling and redness. Another quality of the versatile aloe vera plant is that it stimulates the growth of new skin cells which means acne scars start to fade with time.


Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA): are natural acids, commonly found in foods like oranges and lemons, which have the highest level of naturally occurring citric acid. The acids are responsible for the removal of dead skin cells and assist in unclogging pores. Other AHA’s include mandelic (bitter almond), lactic (soured dairy products), glycolic (sugar cane), tartaric (unripe grapes) and malic (apples and cherries mostly, but also in other fruits and vegetables) acid.

These acids are frequently found in sunscreens, moisturizers, eye creams and cleansers.


Alum: “Usually when you hear about alum it is in reference to potassium alum, which is the hydrated form of potassium aluminum sulfate and has the chemical formula KAl(SO4)2·12H2O. However, any of the compounds with the empirical formula AB(SO4)2·12H2O are considered to be alum. Sometimes alum is seen in its crystalline form, although it is most often sold as a powder. Potassium alum is a fine white powder that you can find sold with kitchen spices or pickling ingredients. It is also sold as a large crystal as a “deodorant rock” for underarm use.Source:

A powerful home remedy for acne; alum acts as an astringent. Astringents remove dead skin cells from the skin’s surface; effectively shrinking skin tissue. When skin gets too dry, it may peel, and appear flaky. Sensitive skin often reacts to astringents with redness, burning, and irritation. Only people with very oily skin should use this home remedy due to the harsh effect on the skin.

Rather use alum in block form, as powdered alum tends to be a little bit abrasive. In a GENTLE manner, move the alum over affected areas only. When alum is used with other ingredients, it can be a very effective acne remedy. Mix ¼ cup of witch hazel with just a pinch of alum powder to form a paste which is applied to acne. Use daily until acne clears up.


Apple Cider Vinegar: “Apple cider vinegar can be used as a topical astringent for acne prone skin, and some even report that taking ACV orally every day has helped clear their skin. Add a cup of apple cider vinegar and a cup of Epsom salts to a hot bath to draw toxins out through the skin and help jumpstart the cleansing process. This can also help relieve joint pain as well as skin conditions like eczema and acne.” Source:

To take ACV orally, add between 1 and 3 teaspoons to a glass of either hot or cold water before every meal. To enjoy it as a tea, add the ACV to hot water with a little honey. It is vital to only buy organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, to ensure all the goodness (the sediment at the bottom is the most nutritious part of ACV) is still intact.

When more stringent measures are necessary, you can dab the acne with undiluted ACV; restrict this to no more than twice daily however. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, or do not rinse at all – the choice is yours!

Prepare a cleanser by boiling ½ liter water. Allow water to cool down completely. Add 1 tablespoon ACV. Pour some of the solution on a cotton ball and clean your face once daily before bedtime.

The following mixture will initially cause an acne breakout; hang in there though, as your acne will start to clear up once all the bacteria in your pores are destroyed. Use a jar/bottle with a lid; mix 1 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon ACV. Add 1 tablespoon 100% glycerin, 6 drops oregano oil and 6 drops grapefruit seed extract. Stir mixture before each application. Apply to your face before bedtime and wash off in the morning. Moisturize.


Argan Oil: liquid gold of Morocco; oftentimes called Moroccan oil! The argan tree is endemic to Morocco, and its cosmetic, nutritious and medicinal properties make it extremely valuable. Oil is extracted from the kernels, and this time-consuming, labor-intensive process is still carried out by hand.

Argan oil is very versatile. It can be used for sunburn and stretch marks, not just acne scars. You are advised to use only 100% pure argan oil for achieving the best results when used as an acne scar treatment method. Argan oil serves to reduce the sebum (oil) produced by the sebaceous glands of hair follicles, essentially bringing about the unclogging of pores. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of acne appearing.

Carefully wash your skin with a mild soap before applying the argan oil. Do this twice daily; keeping this up until such time that all skin imperfections (spots, blemishes, and scars) have disappeared.


Aspirin: also known as acetylsalicylic acid. There are arguments both for and against aspirin as a treatment for acne. I guess the choice is up to the individual. Trial and error will soon win/lose the argument for anyone who decides to give this remedy a try. So, how does it work? Clean your face well, crush an aspirin (more if the acne inflamed area is more than just a few spots) and add some water to form a thick paste.  With clean hands or a Q-tip, apply the paste to the acne. Once the paste is dry, it will become flaky. You can now lightly remove the flakes by means of a wet wipe or wet tissue using as few wipes as possible. Aspirin contains salicylic acid which dries out pimples while fighting off bacteria at the same time.


Baking Soda: is an excellent exfoliating agent. “Exfoliation is the removal of the oldest dead skin cells that cling to the skin’s outermost surface or epidermis.” Source: Even though baking soda is coarse it will not damage your skin, but it will remove the layer of dead skin. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water to form a paste. In a gentle manner apply the paste to your face and leave on for a minute. Now rinse your face with lukewarm water and remember to moisturize. A few drops of olive oil should be sufficient.

While not the only benefit of exfoliation, keeping pores from getting clogged with dead skin and excess oil (which is the major cause for acne), should serve as enough motivation to keep up an exfoliation routine. Every 2nd day should be adequate to keep your facial skin rejuvenated.

There is a more intensive form of exfoliation; not the purpose of this article though.


Banana peel: Use the skin of a ripe banana (should preferably have some black patches on the outer skin). Rub the inside of the banana peel over the infected areas; do not wash the area though, except at night. Apply to the acne inflamed area 2 to 3 times daily; you should already see an improvement by day 2. Keep this up until all acne has cleared up, which can be as quick as only 4 days. Read more


Basil Tea: basil leaves are probably more associated with cooking rather than healing. It is a quite potent little remedy for acne, which most certainly should not be ignored as an acne scar home treatment!

Brew a cup of basil tea by using 3 teaspoons of basil leaves and 1 cup of boiling water. Cook for about 20 minutes, and allow cooling. Apply the brew to the spots/blemishes on your skin twice daily. Store the infusion in an airtight container. To make it last longer, add a few drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract to it, especially if time constraints do not allow for freshly brewed basil tea daily.

The leaves from the brew can be used as a homemade acne mask – simply apply to your face, let it dry and rinse your face with water.

Not sure how effective this is for acne, but I have found a proposal for cleansing from the inside out. Brew some basil tea, remove the leaves and drink it twice daily. If anyone has found drinking basil tea to help with acne, kindly let my readers know by commenting on your experience.


Brewer’s yeast: the strain known as Hansen CBS 5926 can be very effective as a natural acne treatment. Not recommended for anyone allergic to yeast, or prone to yeast infections though. Too much can cause side effects.

Brewer’s yeast is made from a one-celled fungus called Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is used to make beer. It also can be grown to make nutritional supplements. Brewer’s yeast is a rich source of minerals — particularly chromium, an essential trace mineral that helps the body maintain normal blood sugar levels; selenium; protein; and the B-complex vitamins. It tastes bitter and should not be confused with baker’s yeast, nutritional yeast, or torula yeast. All those types of yeast are low in chromium. Brewer’s yeast has been used for years as a nutritional supplement.”


Brewer’s yeast is available as tablets, flakes, powder and in liquid form. The overall consensus is that as a nutritional supplement, the chromium in the brewer’s yeast is what makes it effective as an acne treatment. Chromium improves glucose tolerance, thus helping to stabilize blood sugar. Including brewer’s yeast in your daily diet may even prevent the need to take prescription or oral acne medications. Please note: It is imperative you first discuss this with your physician.


Brown Sugar Scrub: for acne is another way to exfoliate. Safe on all types of skin, the glycolic acid in brown sugar helps to retain the skin’s natural moisture balance.

Prepare the scrub by mixing equal amount of brown sugar with honey (1 tablespoon of each should be sufficient quantity). Adding 2 drops of essential oil, i.e. peppermint, rosemary, tea tree is optional. Using upward circular movements, rub the scrub onto clean skin for 3-5 minutes. Wash off in lukewarm water.

Since honey is a natural preservative, any leftover scrub can be stored in a glass container for future use. You can also use it on other rough areas such as knees, feet, elbows.


Burdock Root: tea is considered an herbal acne cure. Even though it has many benefits such as treating indigestion, urinary tract infection, bladder pain, gout, etc, it also has some side effects which must be considered before using it as an acne treatment.

Burdock has a laxative effect on the bowels and it can also stimulate the uterus, hence, it is recommended, that it should not be consumed during pregnancy. Handling burdock can also cause an allergic reaction in some people. If you are allergic to pectic, then it is recommended you stay away from burdock root to avoid any allergic reaction. If you are currently, taking any medicines, then do not consume burdock root extract or tea, as it may affect the efficacy of the medication you are on. Diabetic or hypoglycemic patients are cautioned, that you may not want to take this tea, as it may cause a surge in blood sugar levels. One of the burdock root side effects is that it can also cause alterations in sodium and potassium levels. Consumption of burdock can slower the heart rate and cause dry mouth. At the same time, it may also interfere with the absorption of iron.”

Prepare burdock root tea by boiling a ½ teaspoon of burdock root powder in 2 cups of water until it thickens to half the amount, i.e. about 1 cup. Add sweetener or honey and drink 2 to 3 times a day.

Convinced yet? “Burdock root is a very effective remedy when it comes to managing or treating chronic skin problems. For instance, its detoxifying effect, and increased blood circulation to the epidermal tissues helps to destroy fungus, and bacterial cultures present under your skin. This helps you to prevent or cure serious skin disorders such as boils, carbuncles, psoriasis, and even acne. It can also help you to manage ailments such as eczema is a safe and natural way.” Source:


Cabbage leaves: can either be pureed in a blender, heated up in the microwave (the puree) for about 20 seconds and applied to acne blemishes for 20 minutes before rinsing with cold water, or…

You can take the whole leaves and heat them up for 20 seconds. Serving as a hot compress put them on your blemishes to draw out infection.

Another way is to bruise the leaves and rub them over the affected area. The juice obtained this way must be left on for about 30 minutes before rinsing the area. Apply an astringent.


Calendula and Castor Oil: when used to make a mask applied to acne, work together to dry out the pimples (castor oil) and bring relief to the redness of the pimples and the surrounding skin (calendula). Use dried calendula petals.

Calendula, also known as pot marigold, is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and astringent properties.

Castor oil, a vegetable oil, is extracted from the castor bean. The healing properties associated with castor oil come from a fatty acid, ricinoleic acid, which is found in castor oil. The growth of viruses and bacteria is inhibited by the acid.

Both calendula and castor oil are often used in many different skin care products.


Cayenne pepper: known as red pepper (in powdered form), and Guinea spice, is made from hot chili peppers.

This homemade acne treatment can be used externally by applying the pepper directly onto the acne infected area. A long-term solution for acne is to drink a mixture of ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper in hot water twice daily. Add honey to enhance the taste.

Capsaicin is a chemical found in cayenne pepper which is responsible for the “heat”; the concentration of capsaicin determines how hot peppers are.  Capsaicin has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties; ideal for inflammation associated with acne. Blood circulation is stimulated which means pores become unclogged and toxins can be removed.

Cinnamon: mixed with honey and diligently applied daily for 2 weeks, is a natural treatment for acne which may work very well for you. Mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon with 3 tablespoons of honey into a paste. Put this on the acne infected area. Leave on for at least 30 minutes, but preferably overnight, before washing off with lukewarm water.

Cinnamon has anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties; while honey’s anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties all work together to bring about healing while improving skin.

Cinnamon’s essential oils also qualify it as an “anti-microbial” food, and cinnamon has been studied for its ability to help stop the growth of bacteriaSource:


Cream of Tartar: or potassium bitartrate may not be one of the best-known acne scars home remedies; worth trying though. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar in 8 ounces of water. Apply the paste to acne scars; let it dry. Once dry, wash off and moisturize with aloe vera gel. Keep routine up for 1 month after which scars should have cleared up.


Cucumber: juice is another very popular acne natural treatment option. You can either drink the juice or use a cotton ball to apply it directly to your acne. A natural astringent, it will tighten the pores, keeping the moisture content of the skin locked in. It soothes inflamed skin by reducing the inflammation caused when pimples are popped.

You can also apply grated cucumber to acne for 15 minutes. Wash down with water. Making this part of your daily skincare routine may prevent pimples and also keep your skin moisturized.


Egg White (albumen): sounds gooey, but lots of people swear by this home remedy for pimples! Amino acids and protein in the egg white tightens the pores and lightens the scars. The suggested application of this remedy is 2-3 times weekly; so basically every 2 days.

When eating eggs, you need only catch the bit of egg white left on the inside of the shell. Using either your clean fingertip or a Q-tip, swipe the shell’s inside and apply the egg white directly to your acne. Leave on overnight if you like; you can also wash down with lukewarm water once it is dry.

You may want to boost this home remedy for acne scars by putting lemon juice on the affected area first. Once it’s dry, apply the egg white. Another way to use egg white is to mix the whisked egg white of one egg with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal and apply to acne. A particular benefit is the removal of excess oil which subsequently can prevent a further breakout of acne.



Egg Yolk: contains Vitamin A which is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Retinol, found in many skin products is an active form of vitamin A. It helps to regulate oil and bacteria production; subsequently reduces acne which typically develops when excess oil and bacteria clog pores.

Prepare the mask by separating the egg white form the egg yolk. Add 2 tablespoons of water to the yolk and beat with a fork. Wash area before applying the mixture to acne using a clean sponge. Egg yolk typically hardens quite quickly; leave on for 15-20 minutes before washing it off. Do this twice weekly. Do not be tempted to leave on overnight; eggs can cause salmonella which will cause bacteria growth.


Epsom Salt: is chemically known as magnesium sulfate. A home remedy that can be used for more than just acne, it can be used as exfoliate, as well as an emollient (skin softener).

Prepare the scrub by mixing a ½ tablespoon of Epsom Salt with either just water or with your regular cleanser. Massage the mixture onto your skin in gentle circular movements for about 2 minutes. Wash off and pat dry. Moisturize.

Mixing 2 cups of Epsom Salt into your bath water and soaking in it for 30 minutes is particularly helpful to treat acne on your back, chest, arms, etc. The salt penetrates the skin, fighting off the inflammation. Be sure to rinse well after the bath. Moisturize.

You may want to try a facial mask?  Mix ½ tablespoon of Epsom salt with 1 tablespoon of each of cognac, dry milk, and lime juice. Apply all over your face and neck; avoid the area around your eyes though. Allow to dry and rinse with warm water. Moisturize.

Need to get rid of acne fast? Mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom Salt with 1 cup of warm water until dissolved. Soak a cotton ball with the liquid and apply it directly to acne affected area. Keep the cotton ball in place by using a band-aid. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse. Moisturize.


Fenugreek: (Methi in Hindi) is a white-flowered herbaceous plant (Trigonella foenum-graecum) of the pea family, with aromatic seeds that are used for flavoring.

Use ground fenugreek leaves mixed with water to form a paste and apply to your acne. Leave on for 15 -20 minutes (or overnight) and wash off. Or you can use the seeds if you do not have fenugreek leaves…

Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Grind into a paste the next morning and apply to your acne. Leave on for 15-20 minutes before washing it off for the same results. A quicker method is to boil 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in 1 liter (about 32 fluid ounces) of water for 2-4 minutes. Allow cooling. Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture to acne infected area.

Read more on other health benefits of fenugreek.


Figs: surprisingly are very nutritious. “Fig is naturally rich in much health benefiting phyto-nutrients, anti-oxidants and vitamins. Dried figs, in fact, are concentrated source of minerals and vitamins. The fully ripe fig has bell or pear shape with succulent flesh.” Source: Seasonal fruit but available in dried form throughout the year.

To treat acne mash up 1 fig, heat up in the microwave and apply the warm pulp to your acne. Leave on for 30 minutes and wash off.


Fuller’s Earth (Multani Mitti): is one of those well known natural acne cures. Fuller’s Earth is defined as: “A highly adsorbent claylike substance consisting of hydrated aluminum silicates, used predominantly in fulling woolen cloth, in talcum powders, as a filter, and as a catalyst.” Source:’s+earth.

Based on the above, it makes sense why it is being used in many beauty products specifically designed for oily skin. Its absorbency property is ideal for getting rid of excess oil when cleansing the skin; the silicates have mild bleaching properties which lessen the appearance of acne scars. Because of these characteristics, using this acne scars removal method should be restricted to once a week; more than that can cause unnecessary dryness of the skin.

Make a paste using fuller’s earth clay powder mixed with water, rose water, green tea, herbal tea or rooibos tea. The consistency of the paste should be the same as that of yogurt, so add your preferred liquid until the paste is thick enough to apply to acne affected area. Next, you need to wash your face and gently pat dry, leaving it a bit moist. Apply the fuller’s earth paste to the area, and let it dry. Wash off the paste with cold water; again leave the skin moist by gently patting it dry. Apply aloe vera gel and let it seep into the skin. Do not wash off.



Garlic: may not be the best smelling remedy, but certainly has healing properties not only reserved for getting rid of acne scars!

The main active ingredient of garlic is the sulfur compound allicin, produced by crushing or chewing fresh garlic, which in turn produces other sulfur compounds, including ajoene, allyl sulfides,  and vinyldithiins.”


To benefit fully from the potency of garlic as a natural acne scar treatment, you really should consume it in its raw form daily. If eating the garlic straight is more than you can stomach, try masking it in food. Keep in mind though that you need to consume the garlic raw. Chop up/crush a few cloves and sprinkle on cooked food before eating. Positive results will be experienced in a few days; including garlic daily in your diet should also keep acne at bay. Worried about the smell?

“…researchers from the Department of Food Science and Technology at The Ohio State University discovered that drinking milk while eating garlic-heavy food can reduce the malodorous breath associated with garlic consumption.

Both fat-free and whole milk lowered the concentration of volatile odor-emitting compounds from garlic in the nose and mouth. Due to its higher fat content, whole milk was found to be more effective. Although drinking milk after eating a garlic-infused meal can still help, the study found that drinking it during the meal will have better results.”


Using it as a topical treatment you can rub peeled garlic cloves over your pimples. Take care to do this gently; broken skin will burn intensely should juice of garlic come into contact with it. You may prefer to rather crush some garlic cloves and apply the juice directly to the acne. You can apply the juice as often as you like, but not for extended periods, as your skin may start to burn. Rather wash off after 10 -15 minutes. I personally would stick to three times a day.

Prepare a paste from 1 crushed clove of garlic with ½ cup warm water. Apply to the acne infected area and let it dry. Wash off with a gentle cleanser. Should you experience any burning; do not use garlic this way.


Ginger: is an organic acne treatment and one of the world’s favorite spices. Ginger root is native to India and China; known by many different names such as Black ginger, Canton ginger, Cochin ginger, Common ginger, Garden ginger, Gingembre, Imber and Jamaican ginger.

The major active ingredients in ginger are terpenes (quite similar to the chemical action of turpentine) and an oleo-resin called ginger oil. These two, and other active ingredients in ginger, provide antiseptic, lymph-cleansing, circulation-stimulating, and mild constipation relief qualities along with a potent perspiration-inducing action that is quite effective in cleansing the system of toxins.”


When consuming ginger, restrict your daily intake to about 4 grams to avoid side-effects like heartburn and diarrhea. You can either cut the ginger root in slices and eat, or brew yourself a cup of tea. Please note: Ginger has blood-thinning properties; anyone who suffers from diabetes, gall stones, high blood pressure or have a bleeding disorder should subsequently consult with their doctor before drinking ginger tea. Since powdered ginger loses some of the active ingredients during production, it is better to use raw ginger root, especially when treating acne. Keep in mind the strength of the herb; do not make it too strong. Add honey to enhance the taste.

External application for acne scars only; not advised for sensitive skin. Cut ginger root into slices. Using your fingers press the ginger slices onto acne scars by holding it down long enough for it to stick to the skin. Within 5-10 minutes you should feel the heat generated by the ginger on your skin, as the ingredients in ginger stimulate blood flow which contributes to healing of the skin. Leave ginger slices on acne scars for a few minutes before removing them. This should only be done weekly.

Gram Flour: is made from either raw (bitter taste) or roasted (flavorful) chickpeas, and is also known as chickpea flour, garbanzo flour or besan.

Gram flour is known to lighten acne scars and dark spots. Make a paste using 2 tablespoons of gram flour, ¼ tablespoon of turmeric powder and 2 tablespoons fresh milk. For oily skin, add 1 teaspoon lemon juice to the mixture. Apply the paste to the acne affected areas and wash off with cold water after 30 minutes.

For a sudden pimple outbreak try mixing 1 tablespoon gram flour with 2 tablespoons curd (yoghurt), or cucumber juice (if no curd available). Cucumber juice is excellent for oily skin by the way. Clean the area and generously apply the paste. After 15 minutes, start rubbing the paste off in a gentle manner. Repeat every second day for best results.

Green Tea: is widely hailed for its healing properties.

Green tea and its extractives have become widely used to enrich energy drinks, juices, vitamins, and countless other food products all over the world. And industrial applications for tea have also emerged with tea catechins being used as preservatives in food, cosmetics, and deodorizers, again especially due to their antioxidant and antibacterial properties. “


Cateshins are polyphenols contained in tea. The most active polyphenol compound of green tea is the cateshin named apigallocatechin gallate, which is also known as ECGC. The six primary catechin compounds contained in green tea include catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, apigallocatechin gallate and gallaogatechin.

Due to the anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties of green tea, it indeed can be used as a natural acne scar removal treatment. Acne scars are a direct consequence of inflammation which causes sores which then develop into scars. There is consensus that the ECGC chemical in green tea can effectively reduce inflammation; resulting in less scarring. Green tea can be consumed either as a beverage or as a topical application.

To apply topically, prepare green tea by adding 2 tablespoons of green tea leaves to 8 oz of boiling water. To ensure all active compounds are extracted from the leaves, let the tea steep for at least 10 minutes. Once it cooled down to a temperature comfortable enough to come into contact with, place a facecloth in the tea. Place the facecloth on the acne affected area and keep there for 10 minutes to let the tea soak into the skin. You can with intervals dip the cloth in the tea again throughout the process.

You may prefer to freeze the tea into ice cubes and rub over inflamed acne. You will find this a very soothing; keeping a tray of frozen green tea cubes can come in very handy for those unexpected acne flare-ups!

Prepare a cleanser by mixing 1 tablespoon of brewed green tea with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of witch hazel and ¼ cup of baking soda. Wash the acne afflicted area twice daily.

To benefit from green tea as a beverage, drinking between 3 and 6 cups daily is recommended. It will rid the body of toxins which ultimately will clear up your skin. Do not, however, add sugar to the tea as this will neutralize the effectiveness of the tea.

Honey: is power packed with goodness which makes it a super food and a healing wonder!

Scientists have revealed that honey has powerful anti-bacterial properties on at least sixty species of bacteria, and unlike antibiotics, which are often useless against certain types of bacteria, honey is non-toxic and has strong effects.

The composition of honey includes sugars such as glucose and fructose and also minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium hlorine, sulphur, iron and phosphate. Depending on the quality of the nectar and pollen, the vitamins contained in honey are B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3.”


To cure acne naturally, consider honey. I came across an article which tells you all you need to know about the application of honey. I suggest you take note of the advice since it sounds like the author has personal experience with using honey for acne. My motto: Learn from your mistakes, but where possible, learn from others’ mistakes, as life is too short to make them all yourself. Anyway, I urge you to visit; do read through the comments as well as there also many ways to use honey are discussed.

Another method I came across is to mix honey with grated apple to make a sticky paste. Apply the paste to your acne, leave on for 20 minutes and wash off very well!

Taking it straight, but only a drop! Apply to any large pimple directly and cover with band-aid, preferably overnight. The pimple should be gone the next morning. Wash the area well.

Try mixing 1 teaspoon of honey with a ½ teaspoon of tomato juice and ½ teaspoon of camphor lotion. Apply to your acne. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Now rinse the area with cold water to close pores.

Hydrogen Peroxide: is defined asA colorless, heavy, strongly oxidizing liquid capable of reacting explosively with combustibles and used principally in aqueous solution as a mild antiseptic, a bleaching agent, an oxidizing agent, and a laboratory reagent. Also called hydroperoxide…a disinfectant and sterilizing agent without antiseptic properties because it is rapidly inactivated by enzymes in the skin. However, the frothing that occurs is beneficial since it loosens debris in wounds.”


You buy hydrogen peroxide over the counter; 3% concentration is best. My research indicates that everyone who has used it is thrilled with its effect on acne.

Hydrogen peroxide can be the cause of skin dryness and irritation; as such you are advised to wash your face with a mild soap or cleanser, and dry. Wait for the skin to dry completely before applying the HP; dry skin absorbs the hydrogen peroxide much better.

Soak a clean cotton ball in the HP. Apply to either the whole area infected with acne or just to a single pimple you need to get rid of fast. Keep in mind that the first few times you use this acne treatment at home; it will sting a bit, and also itch a bit until dry.

Wait for the HP to dry completely. Always apply an oil-free moisturizer to prevent the HP from drying out your skin.

This remedy yields quick results. To prevent outbreaks, you may want to make this a daily routine. For severe acne, do this twice daily until acne cleared up.

Ice cubes: must be the cheapest acne scars home treatment ever! Keep in mind that ice only helps when scarring is still in its early stages.

Rub ice cubes wrapped in a face cloth (to prevent frostbite) over inflamed acne for about 15 minutes. It helps to reduce the swelling and pain caused by inflamed acne by constricting the blood vessels just below the surface of the skin.

The ice also acts as an astringent which tightens the pores. In the process it forces out any bacteria, excess oil and dead skin cells, giving your skin a smoother texture.

For more ways on how to use ice cubes to get rid of acne scars visit

Jojoba Oil: is really a liquid wax which is produced in the seed of the jojoba plant, an evergreen shrub. Jojoba oil closely resembles the natural oil produced by the skin, namely sebum.

Contrary to claims that jojoba oil can get rid of acne scars, it seems it really can only be regarded as a good moisturizer. I came across too many comments on how jojoba oil actually caused clogged pores that I do not feel comfortable promoting this as a cure for acne.

At the same time, I must also add that many people suffering from dry skin are ecstatic about jojoba oil. Seems apart from being the best moisturizer ever, other ways in which jojoba oil may be used include removing makeup and treating dry hair.


Kaolin Clay (china clay): when applied as a facial mask withdraws all impurities from the skin which binds with the clay. The clay purifies and enhances skin cell renewal by deep cleaning the pores and refining the skin structure.

You will either use green or white clay, depending on your skin type and which properties of the clay you’re after. Both white and green clay can be used for oily and normal skin. White clay is however recommended for sensitive skin, while green clay is best for combination skin.

Green clay is richer in minerals, more antiseptic, tonic and absorbing, especially good for removing the excess oil; a big culprit in acne development.

White clay is softer and an extremely potent pore refiner which helps to increase blood flow while cleansing and exfoliating.

Wash your face well. Pat dry, leaving the skin a bit damp. Apply a thin layer of the clay to your face; leave it to dry for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and moisturize. Repeat weekly.


Lavender Oil: is only one of many essential oils, distilled from the flower spikes of lavender. Many who use lavender oil claim it has astringent properties which clean out pores and rejuvenates skin.

Skin Care: The health benefits of lavender oil for the skin can be attributed to its antiseptic and antifungal properties.
It is used to treat various skin disorders such as acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, and other inflammations. It heals wounds, cuts, burns, and sunburns rapidly as it aids in the formation of scar tissues. Lavender oil is added to chamomile to treat eczema.”


My research indicates that while lavender oil has been found to work well for many, those with sensitive skin should steer clear from this remedy. Lavender oil is used in many skin care products and is for external use only. Like all essential oils, allergic reaction and skin irritation may be caused. Diabetics, pregnant women and breastfeeding women are advised to avoid lavender oil.

For those who wish to use this essential oil to treat acne, dilute no more than 4 drops of lavender oil with 1 tablespoon of either olive or almond oil. For serious acne, rather use a ratio of 1:4 of lavender oil and tea tree oil. Apply the mixture to the acne by means of a cotton swab. You can also apply the diluted mixture to single pimples with an earbud. I have come across someone who uses lavender oil undiluted on large pimples and blemishes every so often with great results. Avoid contact with sensitive areas like the lips, eyes, and nostrils.

To treat body acne, add a few drops of lavender oil to bath water and soak in it for at least 15 minutes.

To learn more about how others use and experience lavender oil, visit


Lemon Juice: is one of those natural remedies for acne scars which are widely used with great results! I’m quite amazed by the fact that I have not come across a single instance where this remedy failed to deliver results.

The only negative is that you should not venture out in the sun when lemon juice has been applied to your face. Reason for this is that lemon juice makes the skin prone to sun damage, which is something everybody wants to and should avoid. For this reason, nighttime application may be best.

Lemons have a natural bleaching agent which will lighten scars over time. The citric acid in lemons, L-absorbic acid, is a natural astringent which exfoliates the skin by removing excess oil and bacteria from the skin; minimizing future acne breakouts.  Juice from freshly squeezed lemons is best; when the bottled concentrate is all you have however, use that.

Wash the acne affected area well with warm water and a mild cleanser to remove all dirt and also to open up the pores. Gently pat dry. Dip a cotton ball in the juice, squeeze out the excess juice and apply the juice directly to your acne. Leave on as long as possible, even overnight if possible. Wash off with cold water when convenient though.

Some people experience a severe burning sensation from the juice. Immediately wash off with cold water. Before the next application, wash the area with warm water and a mild cleanser to open pores and remove all dirt from the skin. Dry the area. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and rose water to neutralize the acidic nature of the lemon juice. Apply solution to acne with a cotton ball and leave on for 15-30 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Maybe you want to try mixing equal amounts of lemon juice, rose water and glycerine. Apply daily before bedtime.

To get rid of acne you need to do this daily, when possible, twice a day until all acne clears up. You will see results if you diligently apply the juice. It will be worth your while to try this cheap remedy; you may never need to try another cure for acne again!


Lemongrass: is defined as “A tropical grass (Cymbopogon citratus) native to southern India and Sri Lanka, yielding an aromatic oil used as flavoring and in perfumery and medicine.” Source:

The citrus-scented oil is extracted from the fresh or partly dried leaves of the tall (3 feet high) perennial grass by means of steam distillation. Another name commonly used for lemongrass is citronella grass, although it is known by other names as well.

Only some of the properties particularly of interest to the treatment of acne include analgesic (pain relieving), antipyretic (reduces fever), antiseptic (controls infection), astringent (closing pores), bactericidal (destroys bacteria) and tonic.

Treat body acne by adding lemongrass oil to bath water. It not only removes excess oil from your skin, but it also is powerful in reducing stress. When washing your face, add a few drops to the water. This can prevent future acne breakouts.

To benefit from the natural astringent properties of lemongrass oil, wash your face with mild soap or cleanser, dry, and apply the oil directly to your skin.

I believe lemongrass is available as a citrus flavored tea which tastes a bit spicy. If you are interested in rather consuming lemongrass as a beverage, I suggest you do a bit of research on how beneficial the tea is.


Lime Juice is yet another very popular natural acne treatment. Limes are an excellent source of vitamin C and they contain flavanoids. This means limes have excellent exfoliation, detoxification, and antioxidant properties. Impurities are subsequently flushed out from the pores, and dead skin cells removed, enabling new skin cell growth. Antioxidants typically reduce inflammation caused by acne; repair skin cell damage, and prevent further skin damage.

As with lemon, do not apply the lime juice to your skin and then venture out in the sun. Limes also contain the bleaching agent which helps to make scars lighter. Different ways for application are known:

Avoid blackheads by mixing equal amounts of fresh lime juice and groundnut oil each and apply to your face. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and wash off. Moisturize. If applied daily until all acne has cleared up, you should be able to prevent blackheads and pimples from rearing their ugly heads again!

Use a cotton ball and apply fresh lime juice directly to the acne scars. Leave on 10-15 minutes and wash off. Moisturize.

Prepare a face wash by mixing baking soda powder with fresh lime juice. Gently rub the paste on your face and leave on 10-15 minutes. Wash off and moisturize.

Maybe mixing fresh lime juice and rose water in equal amounts is more up your alley. Apply to acne affected area and wash off after 20-30 minutes. Moisturize.

If drinking the lime juice sounds more appealing, mix lime juice with a glass of filtered water and drink daily first thing in the morning. The natural laxative quality of limes will flush out any toxins and prevent constipation.


Manuka honey: can quite confidently be named one of the best natural acne treatments around! The potency of manuka honey is not only restricted to its radical use as preventative for MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria, its healing properties span much wider, and then, let’s not forget, it is quite delicious on the tongue as well.

Manuka is increasingly being used in burn treatments. It helps stop secondary infections and decreases the likelihood of the patient needing skin grafts because the skin regenerates quickly with less scarring when the honey is used. Some forms of Eczema have also seen improvements with Manuka-based products. Due to the osmotic effect the honey creates, it can draw moisture into the affected area alleviating inflammation and soreness associated with eczema. Manuka can help to reduce acne and skin blemishes. It can be applied in the form of a face mask or mixed with moisturizer to help nourish the skin. The honey helps to kill bacteria that build up around hair follicles and larger pores that lead to acne.”


There are different “grades” of manuka honey. Be sure to acquire manuka honey with a UMF (unique manuka factor) label. The number next to UMF indicates the strength; make sure to buy a factor of 10 or higher.

Add a few drops of the honey to your cleanser and wash your face. Rinse face in lukewarm water and moisturize.

Use as a face mask: wash your face and apply the honey directly to your face. Alternatively, add honey to another facial mask and apply to clean skin. In both instances, leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Moisturize.

Apply a dab of honey on inflamed acne. Leave on for 30 minutes or overnight. The anti-inflammatory property will reduce pain and swelling associated with inflamed acne.

Fight acne from the inside out and benefit from its digestion properties. Consume manuka honey in either green tea (1 teaspoon) or eat a teaspoonful before lunch or dinner daily.

You can of course also lookout for manuka honey as an ingredient in over the counter cleansers and facial masks if the messiness is a bother.


Mint juice: is one of the home acne treatments I personally will not really bother with. Unless you can harvest the leaves from the mint plant yourself, or have adequate access to mint leaves, this remedy for acne may not be worth your while. To really benefit from this remedy you will need LOTS of mint leaves, as well as patience.

For those who want to pursue this remedy to treat acne scars, the link below shows the procedure to follow in order to achieve desired results. Mint leaves remedy for acne scars

I have not been able to find a single online store that sells mint juice; seems obtaining your own leaves is really your only option.

Not sure if mint tea has the same properties as mint juice; maybe someone cares to comment on any experience with mint tea?

Mustard Oil: not the best-known acne scar home treatment I’ll bet! Mustard oil is a term which describes 3 different oils made from mustard seeds. For our purpose, only the essential oil will be considered. The oil is produced when the mustard seeds are ground and mixed with water. This volatile mustard oil is the result of extraction by distillation and contains 92% allyl isothiocyanate, which is responsible for the pungent taste of mustard.

Mustard oil has health benefits attributed to properties such as diaphoretic, cordial, hair vitalizer, insect repellent, tonic, anti-rheumatic, antibacterial, appetizer, anti-fungal, irritant, and stimulant. It contains natural salicylic acid, vitamin C, zinc and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

So, how does one with acne benefit from these health benefits? You will need 1 tablespoon of essential mustard oil, 2 tablespoons of yogurt and a pinch of turmeric. Put the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

Wash your face with mild cleanser/soap and pat dry. Apply the mixture to your face in a gentle manner using circular movements. Wait for the paste to dry and harden on your face. The thickness of the application will determine how long this will take. The thicker, the longer it will take to dry.

Once sufficiently dry, use warm water and circular movements to wash off the mask. Rinse face with cold water to close the pores. Moisturize.

You can also prepare a mask using 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with 1/8 of a teaspoon of mustard powder. Apply to face and wash off after 15 minutes. Moisturize.

Neem: is “a bitter tonic herb that reduces inflammations and clears toxins”. It is probably the best acne home treatment when trying to get rid of old acne scars and blemishes. My research has shown that those who used neem for acne scars and blemishes are the ones who experienced the best results; people with pimples complained about acne returning once they stopped using neem. This herbal plant is available in its natural form (leaves) as well as in powder, oil, juice, soap, cream and capsule forms.

When eating 2-3 leaves daily after you rinsed them well, followed by a glass of water, you will improve your metabolism and eliminate toxins from your body. Chances are you will initially vomit because of how bad neem tastes; keep heart though, your taste buds will adapt. Your perseverance will pay off when you see how the removal of impurities from the blood results in a clear skin.

Easier on the taste buds is to grind neem leaves and mix with water into a paste. Apply the paste to the acne once or twice daily. Wash off once dry and moisturize. Keeping this up for 2-3 weeks should result in clearing up acne.

Boil neem leaves in water until only half of the water is left. Pour through a strainer and refrigerate. Use the solution to rinse your face between 4 and 5 times daily.

Prepare a facial mask by mixing 1 tablespoon of neem juice with 1 tablespoon of gram flour, ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder and sufficient milk to make a paste. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off with cold water. Moisturize.

Prepare a face mask by mixing ground neem leaves with 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder and ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder. Add enough milk to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to acne and wash off once the mask is dry. Neem leaves act as an astringent while turmeric powder has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Sandalwood moisturizes the skin.

When using neem oil, apply it directly to acne blemishes and scars. Leave on.

Use neem powder and mix with a little bit of water or witch hazel to form a paste. Apply to acne and leave on overnight. Wash off next morning and moisturize.

Nutmeg: is more associated with cooking rather than a cure for acne. However, when you combine the antibacterial properties of honey with the anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of nutmeg, you produce a solution which prevents infection, reduces swelling and may bring about the growth of new skin over time.

If skin care is one of your priorities then you might want to incorporate nutmeg into your regimen. Nutmeg can actually help you achieve smoother and healthier skin by helping you treat several skin problems. A scrub made from nutmeg powder and orange lentil powder can help you remove blackheads, a type of acne characterized by pores clogged with excess oil and dead skin cells. If you suffer from acne marks, nutmeg can also help make your scars less noticeable. What you need to do is mix some nutmeg powder with some honey to make a paste, which you will then apply to the acne marks.”


Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of ground nutmeg. Apply the paste to your acne and leave on for 30 minutes or longer. Gently wash off, and pat dry. For added benefit, apply aloe vera. People with sensitive skin should not rub the mixture into the skin as nutmeg is quite a strong astringent which may be too harsh on sensitive skin. Refrain from using this mask more than 3 times a week.

Another way to use this homemade acne treatment is to mix 1 tablespoon of honey with a ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, (a natural exfoliate) and ½ teaspoon of nutmeg powder. Apply the thick paste to your acne and leave on for at least 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water by removing in circular movements. This action will remove the dead skin cells. Moisturize.

I have found quite a few individuals who substituted honey with milk when used in combination with nutmeg powder. Mix ½ teaspoon of milk with 1 tablespoon of nutmeg powder. Apply this paste to the acne and wash off with lukewarm water after 20 minutes. Pat dry the area and moisturize.

You may want to know that “The health benefits of nutmeg oil include its ability to treat stress, pain, menstrual cramps, heart disorders, indigestion, blood pressure, cough, and bad breadth. The health benefits of nutmeg oil can be attributed to its medicinal properties such as sedative, stimulant, relaxing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericide, etc.”



Oatmeal: is not only my favorite breakfast; used as a homemade acne mask or as a cleanser one simply cannot go wrong! It is known for its exfoliation property which removes impurities from the skin, and its ability to absorb excess oil which is the main cause of acne.

The healthiest type of oatmeal is made from whole-grain, steel-cut oats, also known as coarse-cut or Irish oats, because they retain more of the nutritious (though tough) bran layer. The more common “rolled oats” are steamed, flattened and lightly toasted. “Instant” oatmeal is pre-cooked and usually has sweeteners and flavors added. Nutritionists say you’re better off buying unsweetened and adding a touch of honey, maple syrup, agave or other flavorings yourself.

Oats are an excellent source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, thiamine, iron, beta-glucan (which may help regulate blood sugar) and the antioxidants known as avenanthramides (which may help promote healthy circulation). Oatmeal is also believed to help reduce harmful cholesterol levels and it may boost the immune system.


An oatmeal facial mask for acne can be prepared in different ways. Ingredients apart from oatmeal may differ; guess the chosen method very much will depend on which ingredients are at hand at the time of preparing the mask.

Being aware of the properties associated with honey (antiseptic), it should come as no surprise that I have a honey and oatmeal (anti-inflammatory) mask up to my sleeve!  Mix 1 part oatmeal with 2 parts water in a cooking pot. Heat the mixture at low heat and stir in the juice of 1 lemon (lemon has natural bleaching properties which assists in fading acne scars). Remove from stove and allow to cool. Add 2 tablespoons of manuka honey to the mixture. Mix well and apply the paste to acne. Leave on for at least 30 minutes, but preferably overnight. Wash off with lukewarm water and moisturize.

Maybe preparing a paste from ½ cup oatmeal mixed with 1 cup boiling water is more up your alley. Once it cooled down to room temperature, apply to your face. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. Moisturize.

Quite a few people have found oatmeal to be the ideal cleanser with oil controlling properties. The simplest and quickest way is to take a handful of oats and mix in a bowl with enough warm water to make it milky. Allow the oats to soften a bit and smooth over your face. Wash off with clean warm water and moisturize.

A more “sophisticated” mixture if you like, is to blend 1 pound of oats, creating a soft powder. Optional, but recommended, is to add finely blended dried orange peels (produces a delicious smelling cleanser), and a few teaspoons of nutmeg and cinnamon. Keep the mixture in a jar. Take a teaspoonful of the mixture and mix with a little water in the palm of your hand. Exfoliate your skin by applying the paste to your face in circular movements. Allow drying. The thicker the paste, the longer it will take to dry. Wash off in warm water and moisturize.

You may want to try mixing oatmeal with rosewater and apply as a facial scrub. If your skin is oily, substitute the rosewater with lemon juice. For dry skin, use fresh milk instead of rosewater. Rinse face and pat dry. Moisturize.

Olive oil: contains polyphenols and flavonoids (anti-inflammatory nutrients), significant amounts of vitamin E (a natural antioxidant) and the omega-3 and omega-6 fats are great for skin hydration. The antioxidants and the anti-inflammatory agents help to prevent acne and in the removal of acne scars.

The application is simple. Wash your face with a mild soap or cleanser and pat dry. Dip your finger in the olive oil and massage into the scar affected skin for about 5 minutes, using pressure and circular movements. Leave on for about 5 minutes. Use steam to open pores. Put boiling water in a bowl and lean over it for about 10 minutes. Ensure to cover your head with a towel, preventing the steam from escaping.  Remove the sweat and oil with the towel. Next…

exfoliate by preparing a facial scrub. Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and make a paste. Apply the paste to your acne using circular motions. Use a facecloth and scrub the acne. Wash off with warm water. Mix 5 drops of olive oil with 3 drops of tea tree oil. Use a cotton swab and apply the mixture to the acne scars and areas of inflammation brought on by the scrub. Repeat this exfoliation procedure every 2nd day to reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Another way to apply olive oil as a natural treatment for acne in the morning is to mix ¼ teaspoon of olive oil with 1/8 teaspoon lemon juice. Wash your face with a mild soap/cleanser and massage the mix into your acne scars with circular movements. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Moisturize.

Nighttime, do the same, except do not wash off. Wash face in the morning and repeat the morning procedure described above. Keep this up daily; remembering that home remedies do take time before they yield positive results.

Maybe just massaging the affected areas with olive oil on a daily basis is a better option for you. The severity of your acne scars will have to guide you in this instance.

Onions: Onions are a rich source of chromium, the trace mineral that helps tissue cells respond appropriately to insulin levels in the blood. It thus helps facilitate insulin action and control sugar levels in diabetes.

They are an also good source of antioxidant flavonoid quercetin, which is found to have anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic functions. 

They are also good in antioxidant vitamin, vitamin-C and mineral manganese. Manganese is required as a co-factor for antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. In addition, isothiocyanate anti-oxidants in them help provide relief from cold and flu by exerting anti-inflammatory actions.”


The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make onions viable as a home treatment for acne. Onions extract help to reduce inflammation and discoloration.

Prepare an onion mask by mixing together the following: 1 tablespoon of onion juice, 1 tablespoon of carrot juice, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the yolk of 1 egg. Apply to your face. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off in warm water. Moisturize.

A different way to use onion is to cut it in half. Wash your face and swipe the onion across the acne. You may prefer to blend the onion and then apply the juice extracted to your acne. Leave on to dry and wash off after 20 minutes. Moisturize. Repeat daily.

The following mixture will yield about 8 mask applications. Keep fresh for 1 week by refrigerating the solution. Mix ¼ cup of boiling water and 3 tablespoons of oatmeal. Leave for 5 minutes and add 1 medium sized pureed onion (use a food processor). Add honey if the consistency is not thick enough to sit on the face once it is applied. Leave on for 5 minutes and wash off with warm water. Moisturize. Repeat daily.

Orange peels: for acne scars are just as effective as many other acne scars home remedies. Both the juice and skin of oranges may be applied to acne for clearer skin. The Alpha Hydroxy Acids in oranges are responsible for the removal of dead skin cells and assist in unclogging pores.

First, prepare a natural scrub from powdered orange peel mixed with yogurt.  In a gentle manner rub the scrub on your face in circular motions to get rid of all dirt and oil. Wash down and pat face dry. Now apply fresh orange juice directly to your face and let it dry. Leave on for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water. Moisturize.

Another scrub you can use is by mixing powdered peel, gram flour and honey to form a thick paste. Massage paste into the skin in circular motions to get rid of all bacteria on the skin. Rinse face with warm water and moisturize.

Papaya (also known as pawpaw): must be as natural as you can find where natural acne remedies are concerned. “So you ask what are these awesome healing properties of pawpaw? Well, where do I start? Papaya fruit is an excellent source of dietary fiber, folate, vitamin A, C and E. It also contains a small amount of calcium, iron, riboflavin, thiamine and niacine. It is also very rich in antioxidant nutrients flavonoids and carotenes, very high in vitamin C plus A, and low in calories and sodium.”


Seems the most “potent” way to get rid of swelling and inflammation caused by pimples is to blend a ripe papaya (flesh, skin, and seeds) and use the pulp to exfoliate. Wash off and moisturize. Skin will be smoother and acne scars less visible.

As papaya is an acidic fruit, you are advised to not use papaya on a daily basis, nor leave it on the skin for too long as it may cause dryness and/or irritate sensitive skin. Some people had good results from rubbing the inside of papaya peel over their acne. Leave on for no longer than 5 minutes and wash off with cold water. Moisturize.

Papaya mask: mix 1 teaspoon of cream, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of papaya oil and 1 teaspoon of manuka honey. Wash face with cleanser or soap and dry. Apply the mask to your face and keep on for 15 minutes (mask should be dry by now). Wash off with warm water and moisturize.

You can also prepare a cleanser by mixing 3 tablespoons of manuka honey with a ½ teaspoon of papaya pulp, ½ teaspoon of olive oil and ½ teaspoon of wheat germ oil. Wash your face with warm water. Gently rub the mixture into the skin, using small circular motions. Leave on till dry and wash off. Pat skin dry and moisturize.

Pomegranate:With its incredible antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties and ability to encourage radiant skin, pomegranate has been incorporated into skin care; especially anti-aging and sun care products. It can help with a number of skin care issues that women of color can face, including dry skin, age spots, hyper pigmentation, acne flare-ups, and acne scars.

Cell Regeneration. Pomegranate helps protect the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) and helps with skin cell regeneration in the epidermis and dermis (inner layer), increasing circulation and healing the skin, aiding in tissue repair and wound healing.”


May just be the best organic acne treatment; each individual will probably experience different levels of success from this home remedy for acne scars.

I think it is common knowledge that eating whole fruits are always better in benefitting from the nutrients they contain. Where pomegranates are concerned, eating the whole fruit is quite a mission, and for me personally, not really an option. When I consume juice, I stick to 100% pomegranate juice, as the commercially prepared juices have added sugar and preservatives. Refrain from drinking more than 8-12 oz daily; too much juice can cause weight gain and also worsen acne.

You may want to apply pomegranate juice directly to your acne and wash off once dry. Moisturize. Maybe the topical application of pomegranate seed oil to acne scars is more up your alley?

Try any of the facemasks below; kindly provide some feedback on your experience…

Prepare a facial mask by mixing 3 tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 tablespoon of manuka honey and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Once the mixture’s consistency is a smooth paste (add either sugar if too wet, or honey if too dry), gently (to prevent the seeds from bursting) stir in 2 tablespoons of fresh pomegranate seeds (kernels intact). Wash face with your normal soap/cleanser and pat dry. Massage the scrub into your skin for 5 minutes, using enough pressure to cause the seeds to burst open. These seeds now help to bring about skin regeneration. Use a warm, wet face towel to slowly remove the scrub. Rinse towel between swipes; repeat until skin is clean from all scrub. Pat dry with a towel and moisturize.

Some people prepare a face mask by crushing the seeds into a pulp which is then applied to the face. Keep on for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. Moisturize.

Mix powdered pomegranate with enough lime juice to form a paste. Apply to your face and let it dry. Wash off with warm water and moisturize.

Beat the egg white of 1 egg till stiff. Add seeds of 1pomegranate. Wash face and using your fingers, apply the mixture in circular movements to your face. As the mask dries, your skin will start to fell tight; this is normal. Leave on for a minimum of 30 minutes and wash off with warm water. Moisturize.

This last facial mask is a bit messy. Mix 1 cup of yogurt with 2 tablespoons of honey. Add seeds of 1 pomegranate to the mixture. Apply to your face with your fingers. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water. Moisturize.

Potato: used as a natural acne scar treatment is one of the simplest remedies around. Always wash your face before applying any remedy to it.

Slice medium raw potato in about 4 slices. Using 1 slice at a time, rub over acne in circular movements. Turn slice and use fresh juice from the other side to also rub on acne. Once you’ve applied all the juice from the slice of potato throw away. Keep unused slices in air tight container in the fridge. Always use fresh slices of potato. Let it dry; keep on for about 20 minutes. Wash off and moisturize. I propose you do this at night before bedtime and leave on till morning.

The second way in which to use potato is to place a grated potato in a blender. Use the potato paste as a mask. Leave on for ½ hour and scrub off in circular movements, using your fingers. Rinse face in warm water, pat dry and moisturize.

Potato juice contains natural acidic astringents which remove dead skin cells, reducing the size of acne scars.

Rhassoul clay: is one of the lesser known natural acne treatments. “Rhassoul Clay is mined from beneath the shafts of the Atlas Mountains. It has detoxifying, cleansing, degreasing and astringent properties.”


Rhassoul clay is generally used as a facial mask to treat acne; it is merely the ingredients that differ.

A very simple mask is mixing rhassoul clay powder with either water or manuka honey into a smooth paste. Apply to your face and leave on for at least 10 minutes, the longer the better! It is natural for the skin to itch. Wash off with warm water and moisturize.

You may prefer to use rhassoul clay mixed with water as a cleanser. Just add more water to give it the consistency of a cleanser. As with any face wash, gently massage and rinse. Moisturize.

Not sure if all the extra ingredients in this mask really make it superior; you may prefer it however. Mix together 2 tablespoons of rhassoul clay powder, 1 tablespoon of calcium bentonite powder, 1 drop peppermint essential oil, 1 drop German chamomile essential oil, 1 drop lavender oil, 1 teaspoon manuka honey and enough water to prepare a creamy paste. Apply to your face in small circular movements and leave on for at least 15 minutes; preferably for 1 hour. Your skin will start to itch, try and stick it out for as long as possible to get the most from this mask. Rinse off the mask in warm water and wash with your normal soap/cleanser. Moisturize.

Rhassoul clay is excellent for oily skin as it absorbs excess oil and draws out impurities in the skin.

Rosehip seed oil: contains vitamins A and C, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids and is frequently used in skin care products. These properties typically are, (not restricted to these), what is needed in natural remedies for acne scars. With diligent application twice daily, your acne scars will start to fade away and lessen discoloration. Be aware though that rosehip oil is not generally recommended as a treatment to get rid of acne, only acne scars. Some may find it can, however, help if applied directly to the odd pimple though.

People with oily skin are advised to mitigate the effect of undiluted rosehip oil by blending it with jojoba oil (or any other oil of your choice). Some people even add a drop or 2 rosehip oil to their creams, lotions or facial oils. Rosehip seed oil must be refrigerated once opened.

Does anyone have actual experience with rosehip seed oil? Kindly comment on how you use it; also how it helped you personally. Let’s help one another…

Rosewater: is one of my favorite homemade acne remedies, suitable for all skin types. Make your own (search “how to make rosewater”), or buy only 100% pure rosewater.

“Rose water is basically a by-product of rose oil through distillation of pure fresh rose petals. To make even a little of this oil, a large number of rose petals are used hence making this delicate extraction very expensive.

Generally rose essence, that is rose water and rose oil, is used in various therapeutic preparations especially facial or skin treatment. Pure natural rose water is 100% free from artificial ingredients and perfumes and is used as a facial cleanser. Cleopatra, famous for her ancient beauty secrets, used rose water in various face masks. It also prevents aging by reducing wrinkles and tightening skin pores. Dry skin can be hydrated by using rose water as a moisturizer. Rose water cleanses the skin, removing dirt, oil and other pollutants from deep inside the skin pores. Amazingly, it can be used on any skin type without causing much irritation. It acts as a cleansing agent as well as a skin toner.”


Mix 1 tablespoon of rosewater with 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice in a clean bowl. Wash your face with your normal soap/cleanser. Rinse your face and pat dry. Soak a clean face towel in the rosewater mixture and place the cloth on your face. Gently put pressure on the cloth, letting the mixture moisten your skin. Remove cloth and let the mixture dry on your face for 15 minutes. Alternatively, soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply to your face. Let it dry for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and moisturize. The rosewater reduces swelling caused by acne; also soothes the burning sensation from the juice. The lime/lemon juice acts as an exfoliate which removes dead skin cells; allowing new skin growth. Lemons and limes also have natural bleaching agents which help to reduce the appearance of acne scars. Should your face appear shinier than usual, use only a ½ tablespoon of rosewater next time.

Use mixtures of equal quantities of rosewater and fresh lime/lemon juice and apply by means of a cotton ball. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse. Dry face and moisturize.

Ideal for oily skin, prepare a face mask of 2 tablespoons of fuller’s earth mixed with equal amounts of rosewater and fresh lemon juice (sufficient to make a paste). Apply mask to face and leave to dry for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water and moisturize.

Face mask for treating acne: soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Crush in a blender to a fine paste. Add rosewater and apply to your acne. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off with cold water. Moisturize.

Suffering from dry skin? Grind almonds to a paste and add rosewater. You can optionally add honey as well. Apply mask to face and leave on for 20 minutes. Wash off and moisturize.

Sensitive skin? Mix rosewater with milk and honey. Add oatmeal to make a paste thick enough to apply to your face. Let the mask dry and rinse with cold water. Moisturize.

Sage: is acne treatment applied at home which is rapidly gaining popularity for its healing properties.

Sage is an evergreen shrub with dusty green-grey leaves and woody stems…In addition to culinary use, this herb is also used medicinally and even simply as an ornamental shrub.”


the oils and tannins in sage contain the compounds thujone and rosmarinic acid. These have astringent, antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal properties as well as being anti-hidrotic (reduces perspiration). They also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.”


Natural acne solutions are many; not all, however, offer the healing properties found in sage. Sage is often found in topical treatments; sage oil, however, is strongly warned against for treating acne.

Sage as a home remedy to treat acne can really only be used one way. Prepare a mixture by boiling 2 teaspoons of cut sage leaves in 1 cup of water. Let it cool down and apply to acne using a cotton swab.

Sea salt: as natural acne scar removal is highly effective and very cheap! The best way to benefit from sea salt as acne natural treatment is to take a daily swim in the ocean. So, if you have acne, and you can get to the beach, go swim! All others, here follows some ways you too can benefit from the healing powers of sea salt:

Please try this method to get rid of pimples fast. I found it on the web; it tells you exactly what to do, except I propose you start out by washing your face to remove all dirt:

Things You’ll Need
– 3 or more cotton balls
– Lukewarm tap water
– Cup to hold the water in
– Salt

The Method
1. Salt the water thoroughly — much more than you think it needs.
2. Dip one cotton ball in the salt water.
3. Wait for 30 – 60 seconds.
4. Squeeze out excess water until it is damp, but not dripping.
5. Place the damp cotton ball over your large, oh-my-goodness-I-cannot-go-to-… zit. If you have several of these grouped together, try to place the cotton ball over them all.
6. Glance at your watch/clock. Wait exactly three minutes.
7. Remove the cotton ball after the time is up. The zit seems to be nearly gone, but it is only the top that has dissolved. Your acne is still there.
8. Take the other two cotton balls and place them on either side of the despised pimple.
9. Slowly, move them closer together until the tiny bump is flattened. Congrats! You’ve just conquered that giant of a pimple — forever!
10. Apply honey on the infected area & go to sleep!!

*Do not forget the last 3 steps — they are crucial.
*Be sure to follow these steps closely. Dipping a cotton ball in fresh water as opposed to salt will not work, for instants.
* You might want to bring a book — either waterproof or one that you do not care about being splattered in water. Those three minutes can get boring.
* This is your best bet for monster zits that simply sneak up on you. For long-term healthy skin, cleansing and toning is also important.

* Please, PLEASE, do not assume this is permission to “pop” pimples. Doing so can cause major scarring. Please don’t pop them.
* If you stop after the top is dissolved, I must warn you: it WILL come back! Maybe not in the next five minutes, but during the course of an hour, it will come back!”


Warm up 1 cup of distilled water; must be very warm to the touch though. Stir in 1 tablespoon of sea salt (table salt may irritate skin) until dissolved. Clean your face well with your normal cleanser/soap and dry. Soak awashclothh in the solution and squeeze out excess water. Lay the cloth over the acne and keep on as long as possible (good for severe acne), but not for less than 5 minutes. During this time the saline solution kills the bacteria which cause acne. As the solution has a drying effect on the skin, you are advised to moisturize once you remove the cloth. Do this daily with a fresh solution until acne clears up.

You can also use sea salt to exfoliate. Wash your face with warm water to dilate pores. Use ¼ cup of sea salt and gently scrub your face to prevent pimples from rupturing as it will cause pain and scarring. Do this for 10-15 seconds and rinse. Moisturize.

You can add honey to the above mixture if you like and use as a face mask. Let it dry and wash off with lukewarm water. Remember to moisturize.

If you’re interested in back acne treatment using sea salt, visit for guidance on how to benefit the most from one of the cheapest and best acne treatments available.

Salicylic Acid: acne treatment is used in the form of a chemical peel to remove acne scars.

BHA (also called salicylic acid) is frequently used by physicians to induce light skin peels, which help treat fine lines and wrinkles, acne and uneven texture and coloration. The peel removes a very thin layer of skin, which in turn promotes the growth of new, smoother skin…  BHA is derived from salicin, which is closely related to the active ingredient in aspirin


Salicylic acid peels are available in different strengths (up to 30% recommended) and are safe to use, even on a daily basis. It is anti-inflammatory which reduces inflammation; the lipophilic and oil-soluble properties allow the acid to penetrate oil filled follicles to unclog pores.

Do not expect overnight results however, chemical peels exfoliate by removing the layers of damaged skin in a controlled manner. Every application removes a few more layers, and with every application, you should notice an improvement in your skin. Initially, you may even experience breakouts as the sebum is removed from the pores.

There are a few side effects associated with salicylic acid unfortunately. These generally are inflammation, burning, swelling, itching, increased skin sensitivity and flaking. If you know your skin is sensitive or prone to side effects from unknown substances, consulting a dermatologist may be necessary before using this acne treatment. If on prescription medication, get approval from your physician prior to using a chemical peel.

The chemical peel should only be applied to skin that is well cleansed. Wash with your normal cleanser and warm water (will open pores). Apply a toner to remove all traces of the cleanser. Use a small brush, cotton pad or large cotton swab and apply the exfoliating agent, the salicylic acid, to your skin (preferably only on acne affected areas). The solution is applied and left on for between 10 and 20 minutes. It may be a good idea to start out with a 20% solution and leave 1st application on for only 5 minutes. If you experience no side no adverse side effects, increase the time by 5 minutes the next you use salicylic acid peel. Remove the peel with cool water and a neutralizing agent. Moisturize.

It is common for skin to have a sunburnt appearance afterward; this will fade away in a few hours, or 3-5 days, depending on the strength of the acid solution and how long it was left on. Skin will start to peel; don’t fret, this is part of the process. Use gentle cleansers for the first few days after the peel until redness is gone. Also, prevent further damage to your skin by wearing a sunscreen with a high SPF at all times following treatment.

In order to obtain the desired results, the number of applications will largely depend on the severity of your acne.

Get video on how to apply chemical peel at home

Sandalwood powder: is mixed with various other ingredients into a paste; producing an acne mask.  Sandalwood powder is a popular home acne treatment which seems to have yielded quite good results for those who prefer this as a natural acne cure. Homemade acne treatments which include sandalwood powder as an ingredient are numerous…

Where does sandalwood come from?

Sandalwood comes from the Sandal Tree, known scientifically as Santalaceae Santalum Album and in Sanskrit as chandana. In English, it is called White Sandalwood or Yellow Sandalwood depending on the age of the tree. An evergreen tree that grows only in the southern areas of India, Indonesia and somewhat in Australia, it grows to a medium height of 30 feet. After 15-20 years the oil collects in the heartwood or the center of the trunk, but as the scent of sandalwood grows stronger, the color of the wood becomes more yellow. The value of the wood climbs higher the older the tree. It is considered at its peak at 60 years old.

When harvested the heartwood is ground into powder and then steam-distilled into oil for use in cosmetics, soaps, candles, medicines, and perfumes. The hard, yellow, outer wood is mostly used for carving statues and decorative articles such as combs, beads, and boxes.”


The most common method to prepare the face mask is to mix equal amounts of sandalwood powder with turmeric powder. Add enough lime juice (not advised for sensitive skin), water, rosewater, milk or yogurt to the powder mix to produce a smooth, thin paste. Wash your face with your best acne cleanser, or your usual cleanser/soap and pat dry. Smear the paste onto your face, avoiding the eyes. Leave on for no less than 30 minutes, up to an hour. Expect a stinging sensation; this will only last for 5-10 minutes though. Rinse off with water and moisturize.

Depending on the severity of your acne, you may have to make this a daily routine until your acne has cleared up. Once you have clear skin, keep acne at bay by applying the mask every second day. Exfoliate once a week, using this mixture. Gently rub the paste onto the skin in circular motions. Wash off and moisturize.

Spot treatment for pimples: Mix 1/4 teaspoon of sandalwood powder with a ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder. Add water to make a paste. Use q-tip and apply to pimples. Leave overnight and rinse off next morning. Moisturize. Repeat daily until pimples are cleared up.

Another way to use sandalwood powder to get rid of acne scars is to mix 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder with just enough rosewater (for dry skin, add a little glycerin to the mix) to make a thick paste. Apply to your whole face or acne only. Leave on for 30 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water and moisturize.

For oily skin, the oil absorbing property of fuller’s earth powder is an excellent ingredient. Mix 1 tablespoon fuller’s earth with 1 tablespoon sandalwood and enough rosewater and make a thick paste. Apply to face, leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. Moisturize.

Mix enough cucumber juice with 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder into a paste. Apply to your face. Leave on till dry and wash off with cool water. Moisturize. Cucumber juice is a natural astringent which assists in lightening acne scars.

I’ll rather eat almonds, but here is how to use them to prepare a face mask. Soak 5 almonds in water overnight. Remove skin and crush them to a paste. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and sandalwood powder each. Wash face with usual cleanser and pat dry. Add the paste to your face and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse off in cold water. If you have dry skin, use almond oil, rather than crushed almonds.

It’s starting to look like all you need to cure acne naturally is sandalwood powder! This is an overnight facial mask. Add equal amounts of gram flour and sandalwood powder. Add milk and honey to the mix; enough to make a fine paste. Apply to clean face and leave on overnight. Wash off with lukewarm water the next morning and moisturize.

Maybe sleeping with a facial mask does not appeal to you. You can also benefit by adding buttermilk to equal amounts of gram flour and sandalwood powder to form a paste. Apply to washed face and let it dry. Wash off with cool water and moisturize. Buttermilk is an excellent toner and it soothes the skin.

Calling all people with sensitive skin. Try mixing oatmeal with sandalwood powder in equal amounts. Add rosewater to the mixture to form a paste. The rosewater can be substituted with either tomato juice or yogurt. Apply to clean face and let it dry. Wash off with cold water and moisturize. Tomato juice is an excellent skin toner; mixed with sandalwood powder it lessens the production of sebum as it keeps pores closed.

Strawberries for acne? Rich in vitamins C and K, manganese, magnesium and potassium, strawberries make effective antioxidants; its anti-inflammatory agents are great for soothing inflammation caused by acne.

You can fight acne from the inside by eating ½ cup fresh strawberries daily, or use ¼ cup fresh strawberries and mash together with either ¼ cup of yogurt or ¼ cup of sour cream. Wash your face and apply the pulp to it. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off. Moisturize as always.

A cheaper way to benefit from strawberries is to cut 1 in half. Rub over face and leave for few minutes. Rinse and moisturize. The main benefit from this method is softer skin though.

Must be one of the most delicious home acne remedies ever! Here is a strawberries and cream mask recipe. There is no way I will NOT eat it; if anyone managed to resist the temptation, please share your experience…

Sweet almond oil: is different from almond oil. How do they differ?

There are two parts to the almond plant. The part that produces white flowers grows sweet almonds; the other part grows pink flowers and produces pure, bitter almonds…Sweet and raw almond oils both are abundant in Vitamin E, which is needed for proper cell function and healthy skin, hair, heart, muscles, and nerves. Both oils also contain Vitamin D and other trace nutrients.”


How do we distinguish between the two? “Sweet Almond oil is a fixed oil that is moisturizing and good for dry and sensitive skin.  Great for massage and face care. Bitter Almond oil is an essential oil that provides wonderful scent and/or flavor.”


Is sweet almond oil really beneficial as an acne scars home treatment? I honestly do not know. I found people who swear by it, others outright reject it. The only method I could find related to acne scarring treatment is a twice daily application of sweet almond oil which apparently can indeed help to reduce the appearance of superficial scarring by promoting an even skin tone. The oil is however not recommended for deep scars though.

Many find this an excellent moisturizer, especially those with dry and sensitive skin. Others use it as a make-up remover, others to grow their eye lashes. Talk about versatile. For those who wish to pursue sweet almond oil as a natural acne scar removal option, I include links for your benefit…read more on how other people benefit from sweet almond oil:

Tea tree oil: has been an ingredient in many of the other acne scar home remedies already discussed; let’s learn more about this herbal treatment for acne scars.

Tea tree oil comes from the leaves of the tea tree and has been used medicinally for centuries by the aboriginal people of Australia. Today, tea tree oil is often used externally as a folk or traditional remedy for a number of conditions including acne, athlete’s foot, nail fungus, wounds, and infections; or for lice, oral candidiasis (thrush), cold sores, dandruff, and skin lesions.

Tea tree oil is primarily used topically (applied to the skin).

Some smaller-scale clinical studies have had positive results in treating athlete’s foot, nail fungus, dandruff, and acne, but more large-scale, well-designed clinical studies are needed.”


Please be aware of the fact that tea tree oil is for topical application only; drinking tea tree oil may cause drowsiness, rash, ataxia (loss of muscle control) and disorientation. You are advised to use pure tea tree oil for best results.

Always wash your face before application of any acne treatment. As a natural spot treatment, apply undiluted TTO to pimples using a q-tip. Try and avoid contact of the TTO with surrounding skin. Some people experienced dry and flaky skin; nothing a moisturizer cannot fix though. To minimize the dried skin effect, you could wet the q-tip with water (squeeze out excess water before dipping in TTO). For larger areas affected by acne, wet a cotton ball with water. Squeeze out excess water; add TTO to wet cotton ball and apply to acne. Let it dry before applying any cream/moisturizer.

Maybe you prefer a more “controlled” mix. Mix 1 teaspoon of TTO with a ¼ glass of water. Apply to clean face by means of a cotton ball and let it dry (do not wash it off). Moisturize.

Apparently, tea tree oil does not have a very pleasant smell; probably not a good idea to use when expecting guests or going out (lol).

Thyme: is not considered an acne scars home treatment; but rather a very effective treatment for acne blemishes. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties help to prevent acne breakouts by eradicating the bacteria which keep blemishes alive.

Prepare a facial mask as follows: Add 1 tablespoon of fresh thyme (leaves only) to 1 tablespoon of sour cream, ½ teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of manuka honey (optional). Blend all these in a blender or food processor until thyme is in very small pieces. Wash your face and apply the mask. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off. Moisturize.

Make your own tincture. Initially, you will have to invest in a small jar or bottle. Alternatively, sterilize any jar you may have by boiling it in water for 10 minutes and dry well. Put 1 tablespoon of thyme in the jar. Add 3-4 tablespoons of witch hazel. Close jar and shake well. In roughly 20 minutes the witch hazel will change color to light brown; indicative of the thyme steeping well. Let it steep for a few more days. Strain the thyme out and store the tincture in a cool dark place. Pour a small amount on a cotton ball and apply the tincture as a toner on a clean face once daily.

Tomato: for sure is a proven acne home remedy! Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant, and are rich in vitamins, A, C, and K. The Tomatoes alpha-hydroxy acids in tomatoes loosen up dead skin and prevent clogged pores.

Regular application of a mixture consisting of 1 tablespoon of fresh tomato juice with 3 drops of fresh lime juice will shrink large pores. Large pores allow for easy access to dirt which leads to infection which leads to acne. By means of a cotton ball and circular movements, apply the mixture to your face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and wash off with cool water. Tomatoes have natural astringent properties which will shrink the pores. Moisturize.

Acne is reduced and cleared up by the acidity of tomatoes. For minor breakouts, cut the tomato in half and rub over your acne in a circular motion. Let it dry and wash off with cool water. Moisturize. For more intensive treatment, prepare a face pack by mashing a fresh peeled tomato (soak tomato in warm water for few minutes will make peeling easier). Apply the pulp to your face and leave on for 1 hour. Wash off with lukewarm water and moisturize. Diligent application, as with most home remedies, will clear up your acne eventually.

People with oily skin can benefit greatly from the juice of a crushed fresh tomato mixed with cucumber juice. Apply the juice to your face daily to control oiliness and acne. Leave for 5 minutes and wash off with warm water. Moisturize.

Blend ½ an avocado and ½ a tomato for 30 seconds in a blender. Apply the facial mask to a clean face; leave on for 20 minutes. The tomato acts as a cleanser; the avocado as antiseptic and moisturizer. Wash off in warm water, followed by cold water and pat dry. Moisturize.

A bit off topic, but you can cool sun burnt skin by crushing ½ a tomato and mix it with either 2 tablespoons of yogurt or 4 tablespoons of buttermilk. Apply to burnt skin and leave on for 20-30 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water.

Toothpaste: is another of so many acne treatment home remedies many claims to actually work in getting rid of acne fast. I decided to include it in my list of remedies to warn you not to try this remedy for acne. The ingredients in toothpaste which cause pimples to dry out include alcohol, baking soda, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, menthol, and triclosan. Toothpaste actually irritates the skin and cause redness and peeling; over-drying and even burning are real threats too.

It would seem toothpaste most certainly is not the miracle treatment claimed by many; for sure not a long term solution for treating acne either. Any acne treatment naturally should not have this kind of effect on the skin.

I personally agree wholeheartedly with this statement: “The idea to use toothpaste as a spot treatment is probably due to the fact that many types of toothpaste contains triclosan. Triclosan is an antibacterial ingredient often added to personal care items like soap, deodorant, and body wash. Triclosan effectively kills bacteria. It is actually a common addition in acne treatment products, although as a preservative and not an active ingredient.

But toothpaste also contains ingredients that can irritate the skin, especially the delicate skin on the face. Using toothpaste on an already inflamed pimple can cause more redness and irritation. Many unfortunate souls say toothpaste burns really badly when applied to a zit, and leaves the skin feeling sore for days afterward. Bottom line: Toothpaste can make your pimple look worse instead of better.


A final word on toothpaste as an acne remedy: do not use toothpaste!


Turmeric: is a spice made from grinding the roots (rhizomes) of the Curcuma longa plant, a member of the ginger family, aka curcumin. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric which makes it a choice herbal spice not only in foods ranging from beverages, sausages to ice cream, but also for its benefits when treating various health conditions. It is known as one of the more favored acne scar home remedies available.

By now we know that antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are what help in treating acne; these are indeed associated with turmeric powder. Tumeric powder reduces swelling, redness of skin and irritation. Cools down inflamed skin.

So, how do we use turmeric powder for acne scars? Ingest it either as a beverage by stirring 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of warm milk (drink at bedtime daily – if you’re pregnant, discuss with your physician first) or use the spice in as many dishes as possible when cooking.

I noticed people experiment greatly with different combinations, largely depending on their skin type. Keep in mind that turmeric can stain your skin. Stains wear off after a few washes. If an issue though, you can apply plain yogurt and let it set before you wash it off. Someone suggested using a toner afterward to minimize the yellow hue. I am however of the opinion that the yogurt which almost always is one of the ingredients will take care of most of the staining.

Here goes: mix 1 teaspoon of yogurt (will greatly diminish the staining effect of turmeric), 1 teaspoon of olive oil (or honey) and ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder. Apply to clean face and leave on for 15 minutes before washing off in lukewarm water. Moisturize.

Mix 1 teaspoon turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon chick pea flour (besan) with enough lemon juice (use milk/water for sensitive skin) and yogurt to make a paste. Apply to clean face. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse off in lukewarm water. Moisturize.

Prepare a mask with equal amounts of turmeric and sandalwood powder, and mix with enough fresh lime juice (water or yogurt advised on for sensitive skin) to make a smooth paste. Smear a thick layer onto a clean face and leave for 30 minutes to one hour. Wash off and moisturize. Do this every night until acne clears up; using the mask as an exfoliate once a week. Once the skin is clear, apply 3-4 times a week to prevent acne breakouts.

A simple mask is mixing turmeric with milk to form a paste. Apply to clean face and wash off after 15 minutes. Moisturize.

Mix 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder with 2 tablespoons gram flour. Add 1 tablespoon almond oil and enough milk to make a paste. Apply to clean skin and wash off after 20 minutes. Moisturize.

Spot treatment: dab bit of honey on pimple(s). Dab turmeric powder on top of the honey. Leave on overnight, wash off with facial cleanser. Do this until a pimple clears up.

Mix 1 tablespoon turmeric powder and 1-2 teaspoons milk to form a paste. Apply evenly to clean face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off well and moisturize.

Prepare an acne scar scrub with 2-3 teaspoons turmeric and mix with 1-2 drops lemon juice and 2 drops mustard oil (mustard oil can be substituted with olive, coconut or jojoba oil). Spread paste evenly over your face. Leave for 15 minutes. Sprinkle some water onto your face. Now use circular motions and scrub your face gently for a couple of minutes. Rinse well and moisturize. Do this every 2nd day; see how acne scars quickly fade away.

Like most home remedies to get rid of acne scars, it needs a diligent application to work. Decide which face mask suits you best; stick with it, and let us have YOUR success story…


Volcanic ash clay, also known as sodium bentonite clay, has many properties that make it suitable for skincare. The clay is highly absorbent, allowing it to draw out toxins and impurities from the skin, which can help in the treatment of acne. Loaded with minerals, volcanic ash clay also has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce redness and irritation for a more even-toned complexion. According to the Skin Care Wellness Blog, volcanic ash clay can also help firm and tighten the skin while reducing the appearance of pores and age spots.

Read more: Types of Clay for Skin Care | Water: 48 – Water is one of the most commonly used homemade remedies for acne scars. Water is the essence of our skin’s health and it becomes even more important when you are trying to reduce acne scars. It helps the skin to clean the toxins, create new skin cells and preserve elasticity. For an adult person, it is recommended to drink at least 80 ounces of filtered water every day in order to preserve healthy and fresh skin.


Water: Water is probably the best available natural method to treat the acne scars. Drink plenty of water, as it helps in flushing out the toxins from your body and making it revitalized. Water also assists you in shedding dead skin cells and the formation of healthy skin. Drinking lukewarm water in the morning helps in flushing out toxins.


Witch Hazel: 23 – Witch hazel (Hamamelis Virginiana) is a natural product obtained from the leaves and bark of the witch hazel shrub. It offers a number of health benefits, particularly in the treatment of different skin conditions, because it is less likely to cause skin irritation or sensitivity. Its benefits primarily are the result of the high levels of tannin acid that it contains. In its distilled form, witch hazel has long been recommended as an affordable, accessible and effective topical remedy for acne. Read on to learn some of the ways in which witch hazel is beneficial in the treatment of acne.

Also known as Hamamelis virginiana, witch hazel is a North American shrub with reported health benefits for both internal and external use. Its leaves, twigs, and bark are high in tannic acids, or tannins, giving it astringent properties. According to David Hoffman’s “The New Holistic Herbal” it also has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to treat bruising, swelling and hemorrhoids. Because of these properties, witch hazel is a common ingredient in many skin care products. It is also sold by itself in most pharmacies and health food stores and is one of the most widely used home remedies in the United States.

Witch Hazel for Acne

Compared to the potent astringents in traditional acne medications, witch hazel is extremely mild. While astringents such as witch hazel remove excess sebum from the skin and reduce inflammation of pimples, they have no effect on sebum production, regardless of strength. Therefore witch hazel may reduce acne symptoms but does nothing to break the cycle of recurring acne. Furthermore, according to Dr. David J. Leffell, M.D. of Yale University School of Medicine, no controlled studies have yet been conducted to verify witch hazel’s effectiveness against acne.

Witch hazel and a cotton ball. Or any kind of fabric, really. Just soak the fabric with some witch hazel, hold on the blemish for a minute or two. That’s it. Astringent to the rescue.

Try using witch hazel and lemon juice as an astringent. If you have oily skin and believe this exacerbates your acne or pimples, witch hazel and lemon juice are an all-natural remedy to remove excess oil from your skin. You can find organic witch-hazel at Vitamin Shoppe ( Lemon juice can be found at your local grocer.


Yogurt: Yoghurt face mask: Why it works: Yogurt acts as a gentle natural cleanser thanks to its antibacterial properties. Even better, yogurt that contains probiotics is recommended for improving skin conditions, including acne. You can also add other ingredients to enhance the mask’s benefits. Try oatmeal, for example, which gently exfoliates and helps to tighten pores.

What to do: Take 2 tablespoons of plain low-fat yogurt and apply a thin layer to your face (the oil in full-fat yogurt can make your skin greasy). Allow it to dry and rinse off with lukewarm water. To make a yogurt and oatmeal face mask, just add a handful of oatmeal to the yogurt, mix into a paste and leave in the refrigerator for a few hours to give the oatmeal a chance to absorb some of the yogurt. Apply to the face, leave for around 20 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

Where to buy: You can pick up plain yogurt and oatmeal in most grocery stores. If you’d prefer to use finely milled oatmeal instead of the regular variety for milder exfoliation, you can find it in most health stores.

The verdict: When I first tried a basic yogurt face mask, I had several large spots that showed no signs of disappearing so I wasn’t too hopeful about seeing any positive results. My spots didn’t magically clear up overnight, but they definitely looked less inflamed and weren’t as noticeable. Now that I’ve been using the face mask on a twice-a-week basis for several months, I’ve seen a good improvement in the condition of my skin, and my low-grade acne is even starting to clear up.


Zinc: Zinc supplements. The mineral zinc plays a role in wound healing and reduces inflammation, which could help improve acne. Taking a zinc supplement with food may reduce side effects, including a bad taste in your mouth and nausea. Zinc can also be added to lotions or creams and may reduce acne breakouts.

Zinc for acne

Keep this for wrapping up:

You can’t simply get rid of acne scars by applying natural substances on your skin. A large part of the healing process consists of maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet that aids in the growth of new, healthy skin. Also, eating a healthy diet gives you the essential nutrients that you need to fight against infections and other types of diseases that might complicate your acne scars.

Cut back on eating refined carbohydrates (bread, pasta, etc). Also, cut back on eating sugar (any sugar, little natural sugar might be okay).

Take fermented foods (sauerkraut, kefir, goat cheese, or natural yogurt) and/or take a good pro-biotic and enzymes.

Stop using your cleansers, face creams, makeups, etc. If you are going to use these, get natural products.

Eat more veggies! They clean your blood of toxins that cause the acne.

Move around. Trampoline is a great way to move your lymphatic system. Running or jump roping is also good.

Take a multivitamin each day. Make sure that you especially get enough vitamin A. Vitamin A will help your skin regenerate quicker, reduce wrinkles, and clear away spots and blemishes.


Proper nutrition:

Though it may not be one of the faster acne remedies, it can’t be stressed enough that making sure you get the proper nutrition is the best thing you can do to help yourself get rid of acne. Getting the right balance of vitamins and other essential nutrients will help your skin clear up over time.

The family of B Vitamins is all important when it comes to skin health. They improve circulation, metabolism, and overall body functions. They also assist in stress relief, which shouldn’t be overlooked when combating acne. Stress (as well as sleep deprivation and bad diet) is a major factor in acne outbreaks that can be treated naturally. Vitamin C is also very helpful because of its antioxidant properties. Just like when you take a lot of Vitamin C to fight a cold, the same idea applies to acne.

Taking supplements like Omega 3s also help to fight acne because of the positive effects they have on your circulation. They also improve your overall complexion. While Omega 3s may not combat acne directly, they are an important part of your overall treatment because they are so beneficial to your skin.

For more thorough nutritional tips and information, visit our dedicated Nutrition page.

We hope you find our list of the Top 5 Best Acne Remedies to Help You Get Rid of Acne beneficial. There’s plenty of more information to be found on Acne Skin Site, so be sure to look around. Also, you’ll find plenty of tips, including how to reduce acne scarring, over at our blog.

Join our forum today and interact with our growing community. Talk with other people and find out how they get rid of acne.


Skin Care: Cleansing and skin care: Despite what you read in popular style and fashion magazines, there is no magic product or regimen that is right for every person and situation.

  • Mild cleansers: Washing once or twice a day with a mild cleansing bar or liquid (for example, Dove, Neutrogena, Basis, Purpose, and Cetaphil are all inexpensive and popular) will keep the skin clean and minimize sensitivity and irritation.
  • Exfoliating cleansers and masques: A variety of mild scrubs, exfoliants, and masks can be used. These products contain either fine granules orsalicylic acid in a concentration that makes it a very mild peeling agent. These products remove the outer layer of the skin and thus open pores. Products containing glycolic or alpha hydroxy acids are also gentle skin exfoliants.
  • Retinol: Not to be confused with the prescription medication Retin-A, this derivative of vitamin A can help promote skin peeling.


Kill the bacteria

  • Antibacterial cleansers: The most popular ingredient in over-the-counter antibacterial cleansers is benzoyl peroxide.
  • Topical (external) applications: These products come in the form of gels, creams, and lotions, which are applied to the affected area. The active ingredients that kill surface bacteria include benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, and resorcinol. Some brands promoted on the Internet and cable TV (such as ProActiv) are much more costly than identical products you can buy in the drugstore.

Benzoyl peroxide causes red and scaly skin irritation in a small number of people, which goes away as soon as you stop using the product. Keep in mind that benzoyl peroxide is a bleach, so do not let products containing benzoyl peroxide leave unsightly blotching on colored clothes, shirts, towels, and carpets.


Reduce the oil

You cannot stop your oil glands from producing oil (unless you mess with your hormones or metabolism in ways you shouldn’t). Even isotretinoin(Accutane, see below) only slows down oil glands for a while; they come back to life later. What you can do is to get rid of oil on the surface of the skin and reduce the embarrassing shine.

Depending on the trigger, natural acne remedies can do much to help with existing acne and prevent acne in the future. If you are unsure of the specific trigger for your acne, the best approach is to ensure the three catalysts for acne are addressed. These are oil, skin cells, and bacteria. Simply washing, exfoliating, and moisturizing twice a day can eliminate most common acne.



The main key to seeing acne scars fade is patience. A few weeks after you break out and subsequently scar, new blood vessels move into the injured area to provide nourishment to the skin, which is why most early scars look pink, says Alster. Months later, collagen (the building blocks of the skin) start to reform, filling in the injured section of skin. Because cystic acne destroys skin and fat, it can take up to a year for the scars to fade, says Moy.

  • Curing acne using home remedies is a long process, so a person needs to be patient while employing all these remedies. But home remedies for curing pimples have no side-effects as these are natural and home-made.


I like to keep it simple when applying a moisturizer to my face. Actually, water is the true moisturizer and I just trap it in with oil. There are many oils to choose from that nourish the skin. These are the ones I have had the most success with:

  • Olive oil (especially when it has been ozonated)
  • Coconut oil
  • Camellia Seed oil
  • Grape Seed oil
  • Unrefined Hemp Seed oil
  • Sea Buckthorn Berry oil
  • Green Coffee oil
  • Hemp Seed butter

My two favorite homemade moisturizers are:

3 parts Ozonated Olive oil
1 part Coconut oil
2 drops of Peppermint Essential oil
3 drops of German Chamomile Essential oil
4 drops of Lavender Essential oil
Mix in a 4 oz dark amber bottle


1 part Camellia Seed oil
1 part Sea Buckthorn Berry oil
1 part Green Coffee oil
1 part Coconut oil
1 drop of Neroli Essential oil
1 drop of Peppermint Essential oil
2 drops of Carrot Seed Essential oil
4 drops of Lavender Essential oil
Mix in a 4 oz dark amber bottle

Get creative!! Take your beauty in your own hands. Experiment!! What works for me may not work for you…it’s your body and you know it best (or you are on your way to knowing it!).


Homemade acne masks:

Natural acne treatment recipes: p63 – honey, oatmeal, egg white, etc


Powdered alum can also be mixed with hot water or rosewater and egg white and applied on the face as a pack for 15 minutes. This will close the pores and remove acne.


Acne Mask #1: Salt Mask
This one of the easiest homemade acne masks that you can make. To make it you need sea salt or cooking salt and some water. You put the salt in the water for 20 minutes then apply the mask to acne spots and leave it on for 10-30 minutes. Salt cleans the skin and dries acne spots which makes it the perfect treatment for acne scars. If you have the option then go swimming in the sea and you do not even have to make the mask, you just swim in it and enjoy the natural acne treatment.

Acne Mask #2: Baking Soda
Another easy homemade acne mask which makes miracles for some of us when it comes to acne treatment. To make this mask all you need is water and baking soda. First clean acne spots with preferred cleanser (skin cleanser that you use normally will do the task), then mix the water and baking soda and apply the mixture on acne spots. Leave the mixture on for a while, do some household chores, read a book, go on internet, talk to your friends, watch television or do whatever makes you happy and then rinse the mask off your face. When soda mask will be removed you can feel how soft and clean is your skin. This treatment does not work the same for everyone, while some seea drastic improvement in their acne treatment, others do not see any results. It depends on a person and skin type but if you find this mask suitable and efficient repeat the treatment several times a week for a few weeks and you can say good bye to acne.

Acne Mask #3: Yogurt Mask
If two masks mentioned above were easy to make here is the third simple homemade acne mask that everyone can make. It consists of Yogurt and Honey and does not need a lot of preparation.

Take one teaspoon of honey and heat it up a little so it becomes softer (if you have dry skin ad additional teaspoon of honey for better effect). Then mix the honey with one tablespoon of natural yogurt which is medium fat (do not use low or non-fat yogurt). Mix the ingredients at room temperature for a while. When it is prepared apply it to acne spots that you wish to treat. Leave it on 10-20 minutes and then was it off with washcloth. If this acne mask helps you, try to use it several times a week and get rid of acne fast.

Acne Mask #4: Oatmeal and Onion Mask
This is a bit more complicated homemade acne mask than the masks I mentioned previously but its efficiency is very promising. You might dislike the smell of onion but you have the results in mind while setting aside the pleasure. Peel one medium sized onion and shred it until you get a puree. Cook ½ cup of plain (non-sweet) Oatmeal, when cooked set it aside to cool down and add the onion puree. When the mixture is cold apply it to your face and leave it on for 5-15 minutes. If the mask is not thick enough to stay on your face then you might add some honey to make it more sustainable. Then slowly rinse it off and wash your face. If you did not use the whole mask for treatment you can store it in refrigerator for 5-7 days before it gets old.

Acne Mask #5: Egg White Mask
This is the last but not least simple homemade acne mask. It is called the Egg white mask because you have to remove the yolk from the egg whites. No other preparation is needed. When yolk is separated you can put it away and take only egg whites. Then whip the white part until you have a dense paste. For people with oily skin it is advisable to apply some lemon juice and mix it with a paste to achieve a better effect. Clean your face and gently apply the mask. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with warm water or washcloth. After using this mask your skin will be tightened and red spots will be cleared.

Well, what are you waiting? Decide which mask do you prefer and start treating your acne now. If one homemade acne mask does not help you, there is always a chance to try another one. Probably it will take some time before you find the one that suits you most and helps you get rid of acne but you have a lot of masks to choose from.

You might be interested in some other homemade acne treatments that will help you get rid of acne like homemade acne cream that will help you get rid of acne scars or homemade acne remedies that could prevent acne from occurring.


Acne Treatments – Aspirin Mask

Many people think that aspirin is a cheap way to make BHA or salicylic acid, but aspirin is actually acetylsalicylic acid. They are similar, but not the same thing.

The aspirin mask is supposed to be wonderful for reducing pimples, getting rid of red marks, and softening your skin. I find that the mask does indeed soften my skin and temporarily reduce the appearance of blackheads on my nose. However, that’s all it does for me. My skin seems to glow right after I wash off the mask (because aspirin is anti-inflammatory and helps with any redness), but the glow fades and my skin quickly returns to its normal state.

Keep reading to learn how to make the aspirin mask and whether it’s safe to use.


How to Make the Aspirin Mask

To make the mask, you take around 5-8 tablets of uncoated aspirin, add a few drops of water to dissolve them, mix into a paste, slather on your skin, and wash off after it dries. You can leave the mask on your skin anywhere from 5-15 minutes, though I know some people who leave it on for 30 minutes to an hour. Most people also use the mask once or twice a week. Applying the mask more frequently can irritate, dull, or dry out your skin, but it depends on your skin’s level of sensitivity.

Before, everyone always said you had to crush aspirin, but you really don’t have to do that because the tablets dissolve rather quickly with some water. After aspirin dissolves, its texture is something between regular table salt and coarse salt. I find that different brands of aspirin will yield different consistencies. For example, the Walgreens brand is “creamier” but the Member’s Mark one is grainier.

If you want to make the aspirin as fine as sand, you could use a coffee grinder, but in my opinion, it is an unnecessary step. Dissolving it in plain water works just as well. It only takes a few drops and a few seconds for the aspirin to disintegrate. Keep in mind that the finer the aspirin, the more likely greater quantities will be absorbed into your skin. Aspirin powder also makes people sneeze, so if you decide to grind up your aspirin, there will be a lot of aspirin grains in the air. On another note, Advil or Tylenol are not the same thing. Useonly aspirin. This mask is called an aspirin mask for a reason!

Uncoated aspirin (ones without “safety coating” or “enteric coating”) is also recommended so you don’t have any extra, inactive ingredients besides the aspirin itself. Sometimes it can be difficult to find uncoated aspirin, so what I like to do is take a coated aspirin and rub it under running water. As you rub, you can feel the smooth coating being washed off. You’ll know when the coating is removed when the surface of the tablet feels a bit rough.

To make the mask more nourishing, some people also add witch hazelhoney, and/or aloe vera gel. Another reason for these additional ingredients is because a basic mask with only aspirin and water does not hold together well. As the mask dries, chunks of aspirin will fall off, making a powdered mess on your clothes, floor, bed, or hair. Since it flakes off when dry, the aspirin mask can also get into your eyes (ouch!) and nose (ahh-choooo!) when you talk or move your face. Adding honey and/or aloe vera gel binds the aspirin grains together so they stick better on your skin and don’t fall off while drying. (Aloe vera gel actually makes the aspirin mask a bit watery, but it will still dry hard and compact.)

Instead of using aspirin as a mask, some people like to use it as a scrub, toner, or spot treatment. To make the aspirin scrub, you simply dissolve aspirin (usually 2-3 will suffice), add some water, and use this mixture straight up on your skin. You can also add aspirin to your regular cleanser for a home-made exfoliant. To make the aspirin toner, you dissolve some aspirin in a bottle of water and add green tea, witch hazel, apple cider vinegartea tree oil, or whatever ingredients of your choice (you can also make it with just water). Shake up the bottle and apply like you would a regular toner. However, the thing about using an aspirin toner is sometimes you’ll end up getting tiny aspirin grains on your face and that can get annoying. To use the aspirin mask as a spot treatment for acne, you basically make a paste of aspirin and dab it onto any pimples.


Aspirin mask: Side effects and Warnings

Even though the aspirin mask seems like the cheapest, best idea ever, there are several warnings:

  • First of all, do not use this mask if you are allergic to aspirin.If you are allergic, aspirin could cause hives, stomach bleeding, facial swelling, difficulty breathing, and even shock. Absolutely do not use the aspirin mask if you have Reye’s syndrome, have consumed large amounts of alcohol, are pregnant or breast-feeding, or take other medications. Also, do not use this mask if you are 12 years old or under. Actually, it’s probably not a good idea to use this mask if you are under 16, just because it seems weird to me for young teenagers to be putting aspirin on their face and subjecting themselves at such an early age to the risks of using the mask.
  • Secondly, there is a bit of controversy over how much aspirin is absorbed by your skin into your bloodstream.Lots of people wonder if the aspirin mask is actually safe to use. I don’t think there is any hard evidence, but I believe that it can be possible to overdose or get mild aspirin intoxication. It all depends on you and how you react.I know that every time I use aspirin, I do feel a bit light-headed. I also mix the aspirin in my palm with my finger (instead of using a bowl and spoon) and sometimes I notice that it makes my hands feel somewhat numb. So, it really makes me wonder how much of this drug is actually being absorbed. I don’t recommend and don’t personally use the aspirin mask anymore for this reason. If, after using the aspirin mask, you feel any adverse effects (dizziness, vomiting, nausea) seek medical attention immediately!However, some people say that if the number of tablets you use for your mask does not exceed the maximum amount you can ingest in one day (12 tablets in 24 hours for regular strength aspirin), then it’s safe to use the mask. The reasoning behind this is that your skin doesn’t absorb 100% of the aspirin mask. So, let’s say the maximum amount of aspirin you can take orally is 4 tablets. Putting 4 pills on your skin isn’t the same thing as taking 4 pills because even though your skin absorbs some aspirin it doesn’t absorb 100% and you are still under the safety limit.


If you still want to use aspirin, just be very careful. While the mask is on your face or when you are washing it off, try not to get any in your eyes and nose. It may seem easy to not get this stuff in your eyes and nose, but aspirin isn’t as cosmetically elegant as scrubs you can buy at the store. A lot of the times, when you are washing off the mask, tiny grains can migrate towards the more sensitive areas of your face. When I am washing off the mask, I tend to close my eyes extra tightly so there is no chance of any aspirin getting in there. If it does get into your eyes, wash out immediately. It will burn, but don’t rub your eyes because the aspirin could scratch your cornea. Use a q-tip to fish out the grains or simply flush your eyes with water. If it gets into your nose, you will start to sneeze.

Using the aspirin mask, or any exfoliant at that, will probably make your skin more sensitive, so it’s a good idea to avoid the sun at peak hours and to wear a good sunscreen. It’s also important to keep the expiration date in mind. Just like how you wouldn’t take medicine that has already expired, it’s best not to use expired aspirin for the aspirin mask. Storing aspirin in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight is essential for keeping the drug fresh.


Homeopathic Remedies for Acne (Aromatherapy for Acne)

Yogurt face mask: Why it works: Yogurt acts as a gentle natural cleanser thanks to its antibacterial properties. Even better, yogurt that contains probiotics is recommended for improving skin conditions, including acne. You can also add other ingredients to enhance the mask’s benefits. Try oatmeal, for example, which gently exfoliates and helps to tighten pores.

What to do: Take 2 tablespoons of plain low-fat yogurt and apply a thin layer to your face (the oil in full-fat yogurt can make your skin greasy). Allow it to dry and rinse off with lukewarm water. To make a yogurt and oatmeal face mask, just add a handful of oatmeal to the yogurt, mix into a paste and leave in the refrigerator for a few hours to give the oatmeal a chance to absorb some of the yogurt. Apply to the face, leave for around 20 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

Where to buy: You can pick up plain yogurt and oatmeal in most grocery stores. If you’d prefer to use finely milled oatmeal instead of the regular variety for milder exfoliation, you can find it in most health stores.

The verdict: When I first tried a basic yogurt face mask, I had several large spots that showed no signs of disappearing so I wasn’t too hopeful of seeing any positive results. My spots didn’t magically clear up overnight, but they definitely looked less inflamed and weren’t as noticeable. Now that I’ve been using the face mask on a twice-a-week basis for several months, I’ve seen a good improvement in the condition of my skin, and my low-grade acne is even starting to clear up.

Garlic, Turmeric, and Manuka Honey Face Mask:

Why it works: Garlic is antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral, so it’s perfect for fighting pimples. Turmeric has similar qualities and is also anti-inflammatory. Manuka Honey, produced by bees in New Zealand who feed on the manuka bush, has been shown to heal blemished skin and help prevent breakouts.

What to do: Cleanse your face before you start. Crush 6 garlic cloves, add 2-3 spoonfuls of Manuka honey and a tiny amount of turmeric powder. Mix together and spread onto your skin’s problem areas. Alternatively, you can swap turmeric for 3-4 spoonfuls of cinnamon and forgo the garlic altogether if you’d prefer.

Where to buy: The grocery store will carry whole garlic, but you’ll probably need to go to a health food store to find Manuka Honey.

The verdict: This isn’t one that I’ve personally used but it’s worked wonders for a friend of mine, who absolutely swears by it to treat her acne-ridden skin (which was considerably worse than mine). Thanks to regular usage of this face mask, she’s successfully managed to bring her acne under control.

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