How Braces Can Change Your Face and Appearance

How Braces Can Change Your Face and Appearance

by Sharon Williams

How Braces Can Change Your Face and Appearance

Your Key to Good Health: Braces and How They Can Change Your Face and Appearance

Are you second-guessing yourself about getting dental braces?

If yes then don’t as braces do improve your smile but their effects do go beyond just your teeth as they can also change your facial structure for the better as well.

Facial enhancements are one of the positive side effects of having your teeth re-aligned. In certain cases, however, facial enhancements are actually the main purpose of the treatment and the final outcome can usually be predicted from your initial consultation with your orthodontist.


Here are 4 ways that teeth braces can improve your face, health and overall appearance:


  1. Teeth Braces Improve Your Dental Structure Which Improves Your Appearance

The length, width and general shape of your teeth can be shifted by braces. The structure of your cheeks and jaw is controlled by your teeth. Having a good dental structure helps make your facial features appear to be more symmetrical as some facial muscles will not be stretched or contracted in awkward positions.  Good dental structure helps in straightening your jawline as well as improving your speech.


  1. Mouth Adjustment Improves Your Body Overall

We live in a time when having perfect teeth is easier than it has ever been before. Your body will become a lot more comfortable as well as you getting more peace of mind after having your mouth adjusted as your teeth, face and jaw are adjusted to how they should be.


  1. The Shape of Your Face is Enhanced with Orthodontics

It is quite normal for your face to naturally have some asymmetry but the level of asymmetry varies from individual to individual and some people’s faces tend to be more asymmetrical than others. Teeth braces treatment ensures that your face becomes more symmetrical gradually over time. Here are some common problems that can be corrected with teeth braces:


Underbites make your chin stick out, making it appear larger and giving a “moon face” type of appearance. Teeth straightening braces will soften your facial features and make your mouth more of an appealing focal point.

 Open Bite

Open bites occur when your mouth always appears to be stretched and severe cases can even prevent it from closing naturally. Open bites are particularly visible as your upper lip is always sticking out. Braces correct the alignment of your teeth and make your mouth appear more natural. 


Overbites are the most common alignment problem. They push the upper lip out and cause the cheeks to seem to be sallow. Braces change the way your teeth and jaws fit together, creating better harmony with the lower half of your face.

 Misaligned Teeth

Misaligned teeth can make it embarrassing for you to laugh or smile when you are with friends, family or even strangers. Braces can put your teeth back into their proper alignment so that you never have to feel embarrassed about laughing or smiling in public again.


  1. Braces Promote Healthy Teeth

Teeth straightening braces offer both health and cosmetic benefits as your teeth become much easier to clean after the removal of braces. Properly aligned teeth help in preventing gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath along with any other oral problems that you may be facing. Healthy teeth are always more attractive.

Orthodontic treatment is used to properly align your teeth to give you a better smile as well as correcting any bite issues you may have. Orthodontic treatment improves your overall health with better facial symmetry, a dazzling smile, an improved self-image, and a priceless psychological gain. Leave a lasting first impression with your newfound smile and newfound confidence from now on!


Author Bio:

Sharon-WilliamsSharon William’s day job is to handle digital marketing for Koch Orthodontics in Lawrenceville, GA. With a flair for creating compelling content that clears the clutter and connects with the audience in an instant, she writes about dental topics to educate and help her readers. She truly believes that a genuine smile can win a million hearts and talks to her readers about improving their smiles and overall dental health, as well as enhancing their overall lifestyle. In her free time, she likes to organize small meets in her neighborhood where she brings people together to discuss various topics that she writes about. 

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